Lighthouse Christian Church In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services


is a group of Christians coming together from various backgrounds to meet in a spiritual and highly interactive way. Founded in 2003 by Reverend Lawrence Mavhudzi, the church's mission statement is "Making the changes today for a brighter tomorrow". The primary purpose of the church is to promote holiness and righteousness in the lives of its members, primarily through the preaching of the Gospel. It places a special emphasis on prayer and a commitment to service in the community, working closely with local ministries to support the poor, the sick, and others in need. Lighthouse Christian Church is committed to being a blessing to the community and inspiring faith in the lives of those it serves. Its members and volunteers actively take part in activities such as feeding the homeless, helping families in poverty, connecting with people living with HIV/AIDS, and providing moral support to those going through trials and tribulations. These activities are all essential additions to the church's service, and are held on a regular basis. In addition to its core values and mission, Lighthouse Christian Church In Zimbabwe engages in social activity, promoting justice, charity, and religious education. Its youth ministry is focused towards strengthening the faith of young people with special activities such as youth meetings, and movie nights. Other branch activities include Bible study groups, prayer meetings, and mission trips. The church welcomes visitors from all backgrounds and denominations, and holds services in both Shona and English. For more information, visit It is one of the best churches in Zimbabwe which you must visit.


1. Lighthouse Christian Church (LCC) is a congregation based in Harare, Zimbabwe. It is part of the Assemblies of God branch of pentecostal Christianity. 2. LCC is an enthusiastic, spirit-filled Church that believes in obedience to the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The core purpose of the Church is to love, nurture and support its members and reach out to those around them who do not yet know Christ. 3. LCC is an interdenominational church, welcoming Christians from various backgrounds, including Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox. 4. The Church has a strong outreach program committed to transforming and developing individuals, families and communities. They involve their members in evangelism and many social programs, such as providing scholarships to bright, yet impoverished children. 5. LCC is also heavily involved in charity. Their mission is to bring relief to the poor, broken-hearted, homeless and deprived in the community. 6. LCC's current pastor is Rev. Dr. Abednago Moyo. Under his leadership, the Church has grown to more than 2000 members. 7. Each Sunday service is typically held from 9:30am-12:30pm and includes worship, preaching and prayer. The Church also offers various Bible Study Groups, Prayer Meetings and Youth Programs throughout the week. Here are some facts about the Zimbabwe Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Zimbabwe


1. Worship Services: Lighthouse Christian Church provides various types of services which include Sunday worship services, Wednesday night Bible study programs, youth groups, and various special services throughout the year. 2. Evangelism: The church engages in evangelism both locally and abroad to help spread the message of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. 3. Education: The church runs a bible college which offers short courses in Christian education and Christian leadership. 4. Outreach: The church runs various ministries that provide food and basic healthcare to those in need. 5. Church Planting: The church runs a program that assists in planting and training churches throughout Zimbabwe as part of its mission to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. 6. Missions: The church engages in a variety of missions programs to reach those outside of Zimbabwe with the message of Jesus Christ. This beautiful church in Zimbabwe has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Zimbabwe most popular tourist destination with us. Lighthouse Christian Church In Zimbabwe: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Zimbabwe main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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