Cham Museum - Da Nang In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Cham Museum – Da Nang in Vietnam is an open-air museum that houses a collection of artifacts, sculptures, and architecture related to the Cham civilization. It covers a total area of ​​2.260 m2, exhibiting the artifacts and artworks from the 4th to 15th centuries. This ancient civilization was located in central and southern Vietnam, but was also known to have thrived in other parts of Southeast Asia. The museum showcases a fine collection of sculptures of Hindu gods, pieces related to the life of Buddha, and detailed carvings of ritual objects. These artifacts provide an insight into the rich heritage and cultural traditions of the Cham people. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vietnam
Prominent Features:

1. The museum is home to a collection of Cham sculptures and artifacts which span from the 7th to the 15th centuries A.D. 2. It has the world’s largest collection of sculptures and art related to the Hindu-Buddhist Cham civilization. 3. Explore the life-like bas-relief depictions of historical events recorded in the stone Murals. 4. Learn about the architecture of the ancient Cham city, known as My Son, which was a designated a World Heritage Site in 1999. 5. See artifacts from the rare Hoi An Temple as well as various other pieces of art from the old kingdom. 6. Take part in a tour of the museum to learn more about the history, art, and architecture of the Champa Empire. 7. There are interactive displays, digital media, and educational activities for all ages. This national monument of Vietnam portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Cham Museum of Da Nang is one of the largest and most significant displays of Cham sculptures and artifacts in the world. It is located in the central city of Da Nang in Vietnam. The museum was founded in 1915 by the Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient and opened to the public in 1920. The museum displays artifacts from the last surviving Hindu-Buddhist Kingdom, the Kingdom of Champa, which was centred in what is now Vietnam between the 2nd and 16th centuries. Many of the artifacts displayed at the museum were acquired during archaeological excavations of the ancient Cham sites throughout the Central Highlands. The museum showcases the material culture of the ancient Champa people including some of the largest and most significant steles and sculptures ever discovered. The museum also features various manuscripts, manuscripts with Sanskrit words, paintings, ceramics, and textiles. The sculptures range from 8 to 11th century and represent a variety of Hindu gods and goddesses including Siva, Vishnu, and Sakti. The most popular sculptures are the sandstone sculptures of Hanuman guarded by a naga, which is a giant mythical serpent with seven heads. This sculpture dates back to the 10th century and is believed to have been created in the citadel of Tra Kieu. The museum also houses a library and the 'Cham Research Center', where records of Cham culture, language, and religion are stored. Today the museum is an important tourist attraction and a great cultural and educational resource for the people of Vietnam. You must visit one of these historical places in Vietnam on your Vietnam tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Cham Museum houses the world’s largest collection of Cham artifacts and is the only museum in the world dedicated to the Cham civilization. 2. The impressive collection includes sculptures, bas-reliefs, inscriptions, sarcophagi, architectural elements and jewelry. 3. The museum was established in 1915 and since then, the collections have been constantly enriched, mainly due to the large number of archaeological excavations carried out in the area. 4. The museum houses more than 300 sandstone sculptures from the seventh to the fifteenth century, many of them representations of gods and goddesses. 5. The museum is also home to a selection of artifacts from the early Champa, Funan and Angkor states, as well as some objects from Borneo, Java, and Malay. 6. The museum is located in the heart of the old quarter of Da Nang. 7. The stunning architecture of the museum was designed in French Colonial style, with bright tiled floors, high ceilings, and airy rooms. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vietnam with your friends and family.

Explore Vietnam most popular tourist destination with us. Cham Museum - Da Nang In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Vietnam main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    The Cham Museum in Da Nang, Vietnam is an important archaeological site and museum that showcases the culture, traditions, and history of the Cham people who inhabited central and southern Vietnam over 1000 years ago.

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The Cham Museum in Da Nang, Vietnam is an important archaeological site and museum that showcases the culture, traditions, and history of the Cham people who inhabited central and southern Vietnam over 1000 years ago. Vietnam

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