Ben Thanh Market - Ho Chi Minh City In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Ben Thanh Market is one of the oldest and most iconic landmarks in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Located in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, it is an immense indoor and outdoor market with over 10,000 vendors selling a wide variety of goods. Many items for sale include fresh produce, souvenirs, clothes, jewelry, electronics, and street food. The market is open daily from early morning to late evening and is a great place to explore Vietnamese culture and get great shopping deals. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vietnam
Prominent Features:

1. Unique blend of culture and hustle-and-bustle: The Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City is an iconic destination for visitors to experience a unique blend of Vietnamese culture and hustle-and-bustle. 2. Variety of wares: Ben Thanh Market is the largest indoor market and contains a variety of wares for sale, including fresh produce, meats, seafood, clothing, souvenirs, electronic goods, and more. 3. Great place for bargain shopping: The Ben Thanh Market is also a great place for bargain shopping and there are plenty of stalls from which to choose the best deal. 4. Central location: The Ben Thanh Market is conveniently located in the center of the city, making it easy for those who want to explore the area. 5. Street food vendors: The Ben Thanh Market is also known for its numerous street food vendors, offering a variety of traditional snacks and meals. 6. Friendly atmosphere: Despite the hustle-and-bustle atmosphere, the Ben Thanh Market has an overall friendly atmosphere with locals chatting, taking breaks from shopping, and enjoying the experience. This national monument of Vietnam portrays the history and culture of the country.


Ben Thanh Market is a vibrant, bustling marketplace in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam that has been a part of the city for over 100 years. It was first built by the French colonists in 1912, however it was rebuilt in 1937. In contrast to other markets in the country, Ben Thanh Market was considered unusual because it was not designed to be a wet goods market, but rather an exposition to show off the region’s goods. It was meant to be a central shopping location, an easy for people to visit and browse in the dry. It quickly became the main market in the city for trading goods. Throughout its history Ben Thanh has gone through a number of renovation and phases. In the 1970’s it underwent a large expansion, when many new buildings were added to the market. Subsequent renovations in the 2000’s and 2010’s added more modern touches. These days Ben Thanh is home to thousands of vendors in both wet and dry goods, selling everything from clothing and fruits, to souvenirs and electronics. The market is still a major tourist attraction in Ho Chi Minh City, and remains a popular place to shop, eat, and observe Vietnam’s culture and customs. You must visit one of these historical places in Vietnam on your Vietnam tour

Interesting facts:

1. Ben Thanh Market is one of the most famous and oldest in Ho Chi Minh City. It has been around since the French colonization of Vietnam and is now called Cho Ben Thanh. 2. The market is over 2 hectares and is filled with over 4,000 stalls, making it the largest in Ho Chi Minh City. 3. Ben Thanh is home to a huge variety of goods, from food to electronics, clothes to souvenirs. 4. The market offers plenty of local specialties with items like Vietnamese sandals, calligraphy and traditional herbal medicine. 5. Visiting Ben Thanh Market during the early morning is said to be the most rewarding as the bustling scene during the day can be overwhelming. 6. Bargaining is expected at Ben Thanh as prices are often inflated for tourists. 7. The market is located in the commercial heart of Ho Chi Minh City, near District 1’s main attractions such as Reunification Palace, Tao Dan Park and Notre Dame Cathedral. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vietnam with your friends and family.

Explore Vietnam most popular tourist destination with us. Ben Thanh Market - Ho Chi Minh City In Vietnam: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Vietnam main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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