Vatican Nativity Scene In Vatican-City: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Vatican Nativity Scene In Vatican-City is a very popular and special event that takes place every year in the Vatican around Christmas time. It is an elaborately detailed display designed by the artist Lorenzo Ghiberti and set up in St. Peter's Square. The Nativity Scene is typically made up of hundreds of life-size wooden figures depicting the story of Jesus's birth, surrounded by cherubs, shepherds, animals and angels. The scene is usually lit up at night and has become a beloved tradition in the Vatican and all of Italy. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Vatican-City
Prominent Features:

1. 18th century wooden nativity scene, set on the Altar of the Nativity in St. Peter's Basilica. 2. Nativity sculpture of St. Helpidius by Bernini in the main front piazza. 3. The bronze life-size figures of the shepherds by Carlo Maratta in the middle of the Logsecchia courtyard. 4. Angelic chorus of 18th century figures crafted by Pompeo Ferrara in the chapel of the Apparition. 5. Papal audience and blessing given by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 during the lighting of the Christmas tree in the courtyard of St. Peter's Square. 6. Crib made of boxes of choice food artfully arranged on the pavement in the Vatican Grottos. 7. Tableaux vivants with figurine figurines depicting the birth scene held in the square before the Basilica. 8. A total of nine figures indoor and outdoor depicting biblical personalities from the nativity. 9. Life-sized bronze sculpture of the Three Kings in a carriage located on the path leading to the main entrance of St. Peter's Basilica. 10. Symbolic lighting of the Christmas tree in Plaza de La Piazze in front of St. Peter's Basilica, made up of 7,000 lights. This national monument of Vatican-City portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Vatican Nativity Scene is a yearly tradition in Vatican City which dates back to 1223 A.D. In that year, Saint Francis of Assisi created the first known nativity scene in the small village of Greccio, Italy. According to tradition, during the night of Christmas Eve of 1223, the saint was inspired to recreate the events of Jesus’ birth. This took the form of assembling hay, an ox, and an ass. He then asked a local monk to say the appropriate portion of the mass. Other aspects of the Nativity Scene date earlier according to Christian sacred tradition such as Christ's birth in Bethlehem in Judea and the idea of the Three Kings. The Vatican Nativity Scene that displays in Saint Peter's Square each year is generally credited to Pope Pius IX, who in December of 1872 asked for a Nativity Scene to be erected in the square for the Christmas season. As Pope Pius XI was a great admirer of Saint Francis of Assisi's traditions, he was the individual responsible for initiating the tradition of the "Nativity of the Lord" in the Vatican Gardens featured in 1924. This showcased a life-size Nativity scene as well as a representation of 70 characters from the Bible. The scene changed in 1974 when Pope Paul VI displayed an enormous Nativity Scene as part of an overall display featuring 108 different biblical figures. Today, the Nativity Scene in Saint Peter's Square remains a fixture of the Christmas season celebrations in Vatican City with thousands of visitors and locals visiting the beautiful event each year. You must visit one of these historical places in Vatican-City on your Vatican-City tour

Interesting facts:

1. The annual Christmas tree and nativity scene, which are also known as “presepio,” were first made in 1842. 2. The nativity scene in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square is an annual event that dates back to 1982. 3. The Vatican’s nativity scene is made of marble and it contains statues of the holy family, the shepherds, and the three wise men. 4. The nativity scene also includes animals such as sheep, cows, and donkeys, which represent the beginning of Jesus’ life and mission on earth. 5. The statues in the nativity scene are updated every few years and the new ones are handcrafted by local artisans. 6. The Vatican Christmas tree is an evergreen tree decorated with white lights and ornaments. 7. During the Christmas celebrations in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis traditionally presides over a midnight mass and delivers a sermon. 8. On Christmas Day, a special Mass is also held at St. Peter's Basilica and the Pope delivers his traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing to the crowds. Visit one of the famous monuments of Vatican-City with your friends and family.

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