The World Islands - Dubai In UAE: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The World Islands – Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is a man-made archipelago of over 300 small islands in the shape of a world map located in the Persian Gulf. This man-made project was created by the Emirati real estate developer Nakheel. It is situated 4 kilometres off the coast of Dubai and covers an area of 6 by 9 kilometers. The islands are composed of upper-level sand that has been artificially reinforced with cement and coral. The island chain is composed of 50 hectare islands, which are all connected by channels and are among the smallest islands of the group. Each island has been allocated for a specific purpose ranging from private homes, resorts, entertainment, commercial marine developments, sporting clubs and other private activities. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in UAE
Prominent Features:

1. The World Islands are a 300-island artificial archipelago off the coast of Dubai, United Arab Emirates which was developed by Dubai-based Nakheel Properties. 2. They are located 4 kilometers off the coast of the Jumeirah Beach in the Persian Gulf, just outside the territorial boundaries of Dubai. 3. Each one of the islands is named after a different country, and features that countries shape, size and culture. 4. The islands are constructed from non-borrowed materials and have to be maintained by dredging sand from the bottom of the sea. 5. Most of the islands contain luxury villas, resorts and other projects aimed at promoting tourism in Dubai. 6. There is also a plan to create a $1.7 billion dollar bridge to the islands to allow easier access. 7. The World Islands are designed to provide luxury living and resorts for those with the financial means. This national monument of UAE portrays the history and culture of the country.


The World Islands of Dubai is an artificial archipelago of small islands constructed off the coast of Dubai. It is composed of 300 small man-made islands divided into four categories: private homes, commercial centers, private resorts and public beaches. The islands were constructed as part of the Dubai government's ambitious plan to become the favored destination amongst the affluent of the world and to ensure Dubai’s economic diversification. The man-made islands were designed by the Dutch land reclamation company Bosken Thisse, as part of the larger Palm Island project. Construction of The World Islands began in 2003 and is now largely completed, with the full project taking about 5 years to complete. The ambition behind The World Islands project was to create an exclusive paradise, with islands connected to each other via a network of canals. It was also intended to serve as a place where the wealthy can invest in and take advantage of the great beauty of Dubai. The basic concepts of The World Islands were based on the ideas presented by the world-renowned architect, Rem Koolhaus. The islands were designed specifically to address the rising demand for luxury and private living, with each island boasting its own design and character. The World Islands contained mainly villas and beachfront residences, each equipped with landscaped gardens and private villas, jetties and private beaches. The islands also contained several man-made marinas, lagoons, luxurious resort and spas, and numerous recreational activities. The World Islands project was unveiled as part of the wider Dubai Waterfront project, and was set to become one of the largest man-made island developments of its kind in the world. Unfortunately, the economic conditions caused by the 2008 financial crisis resulted in decreased investments, stalling further progress of The World Islands project. Despite this, The World Islands of Dubai still remain one of the most iconic Middle Eastern achievements of man-made engineering. The completed islands offer a spectacular and unique experience for those who visit and reside there, giving visitors a chance to experience the beauty of the natural environment in luxury and comfort. You must visit one of these historical places in UAE on your UAE tour

Interesting facts:

1. The World Islands of Dubai are a collection of man-made islands shaped into the continents of the world and located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). 2. The island development cost roughly $14 billion to construct. 3. The islands are composed of sand dredged from the bottom of the nearby Persian Gulf. 4. The World Islands are constructed of 244 islands with ocean-filled areas among them. 5. Some of the islands feature luxury villas, while others include beaches, marinas, restaurants & bars. 6. The project was launched in 2003, but construction was put on hold in 2008 with only two islands populated so far. 7. Construction of The World Islands is handled by a Dutch firm which specializes in reclaiming land from the sea and is known as “The Dutch Docklands”. 8. The reef technology used to construct The World Islands of Dubai is similar to the one used to build the famous Palm Jumeirah island. 9. The island complex was initially set for completion in 2008. 10. The design is such that they are visible from space. Visit one of the famous monuments of UAE with your friends and family.

Explore UAE most popular tourist destination with us. The World Islands - Dubai In UAE: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from UAE main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    The World Islands, located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

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The World Islands, located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. UAE

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