Eglise St Jean Baptiste In Togo: History,Facts, & Services

Eglise St Jean Baptiste In Togo is a Roman Catholic Parish Church located in the city of Sokodé, in the Tchaoudjo-Sokodé Department in the Kara Region of Togo. The church was founded in 1891 by the Benedictine Fathers, and has been the site of numerous Catholic and spiritual events and services. The exterior of the church is made up of painted cement blocks and stained glass windows. Inside, the church features a large nave, several side aisles, and a sanctuary. The church also has an attached parish hall and several religious statues and paintings. The parish provides services and events, such as baptisms, Holy Mass, sermons, and other religious activities, to members of the Togolese Catholic community.

Explore Togo most popular tourist destination with us. Eglise St Jean Baptiste In Togo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Togo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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