Wat Phra That Phu Manao - Phayao In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Wat Phra That Phu Manao is one of the most famous temples in Thailand located in the north city of Phayao. It was built during the reign of Phaya Lithai in 1458 and is considered one of the holiest sites in Thailand. The temple is a popular destination for pilgrims who come to pay respect to the large golden Chedi, or stupa, which houses a relic of Buddha’s hair inside. Pilgrims can also visit the courtyard of the temple, where there is a large pond and a garden with several species of flowers. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Thailand
Prominent Features:

1. Stupa: One of the most eye-catching features of Wat Phra That Phu Manao is its towering stupa. Constructed in 1407 AD, the ancient stupa is encased in a beautiful gold-plated chedi and decorated with a variety of statues and stone carvings. 2. Chedi: Built in the traditional Thai style, the Chedi at Wat Phra That Phu Manao is adorned with ornamental murals, sculptures and flowers. 3. Large Cedar Tree: A huge cedar tree stands within the grounds of Wat Phra That Phu Manao, believed to be over 100 years old and the oldest in the area. 4. Wooden Platform: Also known as a “Tendu”, this wooden platform is used by monks to deliver sermons or chants during religious ceremonies and events. 5. Temple Shrine: This ornately decorated shrine is dedicated to the various Buddha images at Wat Phra That Phu Manao. 6. Bell Tower: The bell tower at Wat Phra That Phu Manao is a structure of impressive architecture and artistry. This national monument of Thailand portrays the history and culture of the country.


Wat Phra That Phu Manao is a Buddhist temple located in Phayao, Thailand. The temple was built over 800 years ago by King Mangrai, who established the city of Chiang Mai in 1294. The temple’s main feature is the Phra That Phu Manao, a 20-meter-high golden stupa that serves as the spiritual center of the city. According to local legend, in its earliest days, there was a battle in the nearby forest and Wat Phra That Phu Manao was built to commemorate victory over the enemy. Every year, the temple is the site of a large festival that includes a parade, lights and performances. The temple complex includes many other features, such as a museum, a library, various shrines and two Chedi, a traditional kind of Thai monument. You must visit one of these historical places in Thailand on your Thailand tour

Interesting facts:

1. Wat Phra That Phu Manao is an ancient temple located in the province of Phayao in northern Thailand. 2. It has been described as the “Grand Old Lady” of Phayao and is considered one of the oldest temples in Thailand. 3. The temple was originally built in 1096 AD and is a testament to the architectural skills of the ancient inhabitants of the region. 4. The temple is said to contain relics of the Buddha, including pieces of his skull, teeth, and a bone. 5. According to legend, Wat Phra That Phu Manao is home to a large white elephant statue with special powers. 6. The temple is said to be guarded by two giant nagas, which are believed to ward off evil spirits. 7. It is believed that making a wish and rubbing the elephant’s trunk can bring good luck. 8. During the annual Phayao Water Festival, locals gather at Wat Phra That Phu Manao to make offerings and pay respects to the temple. 9. The temple’s main shrine is said to have been built in the traditional “Lanna” style, with intricate wood carvings inside and out. 10. Wat Phra That Phu Manao is a popular destination for tourists visiting northern Thailand or Phayao province. Visit one of the famous monuments of Thailand with your friends and family.

Explore Thailand most popular tourist destination with us. Wat Phra That Phu Manao - Phayao In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Thailand main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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