YNSM ANSOY (Yeshua Natsarim Save Mission All Nations Synagogue of Yahweh In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services


) is a faith-based organization founded by the Late Chief Rabbi Uri Yosef Ben Yehuda Amram (1912-1997) in the Republic of Suriname, South America. It is the first and only synagogue in Suriname that serves the Natsarim Yahad (Nazarene Israelite) community from around the world. The synagogue serves to promote Messianic Judaism by carrying on the tradition and teachings of Rabbi Ben Yehuda's Natsarim Yahad heritage. YNSM ANSOY also works to educate, empower, and spiritually unite the faithful Natsarim in Suriname and throughout the Americas, and to provide assistance to less privileged Natsarim worldwide. It is one of the best churches in Suriname which you must visit.


) 1. YNSM ANSOY is a Messianic Hebrew and Jewish-centered church located in Manyano, Suriname. 2. It is a branch of the Worldwide State of Israel Congregation of Yahweh. 3. The church follows the teachings of both the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), as well as the New Covenant of the Messiah Yeshua. 4. They are the first and only Messianic congregation in Suriname. 5. They promote the integration of Hebrew culture and have programs to teach Hebrew language. 6. YNSM ANSOY offers services in both Hebrew and Dutch. 7. They celebrate Jewish festivals such as Passover and Shavuot. 8. YNSM ANSOY holds regular Bible study classes and prayer meetings. 9. They are also involved in charity work and social events. 10. YNSM ANSOY is a member of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. Here are some facts about the Suriname Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Suriname


) YNSM ANSOY (Yeshua Natsarim Save Mission All Nations Synagogue of Yahweh In Suriname) offers a variety of services to its members, including: 1. Worship and Study: YNSM ANSOY provides both weekly and monthly services, Bible studies, and lectures. Members are also encouraged to participate in weekly prayer, Torah studies, and pastoral care. 2. Community Support: YNSM ANSOY provides support to its members through a variety of ministry programs, such as support for those in financial need, food and clothing drives, and community outreach. YNSM ANSOY also connects members with other religious and secular organizations to help them grow in their faith and achieve their goals. 3. Outreach and Education: YNSM ANSOY offers outreach and educational programs, such as youth programs, lectures, workshops, and conferences. They also work to educate the broader population on the spiritual heritage of the Natsarim. 4. Leadership Training: YNSM ANSOY provides leadership training to equip its members with the tools and resources to serve in various capacities within the organization. 5. Charitable Giving: YNSM ANSOY has a mission to spread the understanding of Yeshua and the Torah, and does so through its charitable giving programs. By donating to works of charity, YNSM ANSOY helps to spread the word of Yahweh throughout the land. 6. Social Events: YNSM ANSOY also provides various social events for its members, such as concerts, jewish festivals, and other community events. Through these events, members of YNSM ANSOY are able to build relationships, share their faith, and spread the love of Yahweh. This beautiful church in Suriname has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Suriname most popular tourist destination with us. YNSM ANSOY (Yeshua Natsarim Save Mission All Nations Synagogue of Yahweh In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Suriname main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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