The Royal Coin Cabinet In Sweden: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Royal Coin Cabinet, originally called the Svenska Myntkabinettet, is an institution under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. It is the oldest museum of its kind in the world and holds a considerable collection of coins, medals and other numismatic items. The collection includes coins created from the earliest times up to the present day. The Coin Cabinet has continued to be updated through donations, purchased coins and finds from archaeological excavations. The museum displays the coins in a variety of ways, such as in original cabinets from the 18th century, on special thematic displays, in chronological order, and in new frames specially designed to Make the coins more accessible. Courses and lectures, as well as interactive displays, offer visitors an opportunity to learn about coins and their historical and cultural significance. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Sweden
Prominent Features:

1. Established in 1690: The Royal Coin Cabinet in Sweden was established in 1690 and is considered to be the oldest such institution in the world. 2. Collection includes coins from antiquity: The collection includes ancient coins from Greek and Roman times, and coins from the European Middle Ages through to the present. 3. Largest numismatic collection in Sweden: The collection is one of the largest and most diverse numismatic collections in Sweden and in the world. 4. Research Library: The Royal Coin Cabinet in Sweden also houses a research library specializing in numismatics and related topics. 5. Online Database: The cabinet also provides online access to its entire collection through its online database. 6. Exhibitions: The Royal Coin Cabinet in Sweden regularly hosts exhibitions and lectures on numismatics and related themes. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Sweden.


The Royal Coin Cabinet (Kungliga Myntkabinettet) of Sweden is the national museum for numismatics, the study of coins and related items. It is located in Stockholm. The museum was founded in 1625 when King Gustav II Adolf donated a collection of coins and medals to the university of Uppsala. In 1650 the collection was moved to Stockholm and housed in the Royal Armoury. In the following years, the collection grew as a result of purchases and donations. In 1791, the coin cabinet was formally established as a separate institution by King Gustav III. In 1878, the cabinet came under the auspices of the National Museum of Sweden, (Nationalmuseum), and has been closely associated with it ever since. The coin cabinet’s building was expanded several times, most recently in 1972. The Coin Cabinet’s collections include coins, medals and banknotes from all over the world, ranging from ancient times to the present. The Museum’s archives also hold a wealth of documentation on the history of numismatics in Sweden and elsewhere, including correspondence, reports, memoirs, diaries, photographs and other archival material. The Royal Coin Cabinet is now part of the National Historical Museums, the central institution for the government’s cultural heritage collections in Sweden. Visit one of the famous monuments of Sweden with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Royal Coin Cabinet in Stockholm, Sweden is the oldest public museum of coins and medals in the world. Established in 1660, it houses more than 600,000 coins, currencies, and medals from a wide range of countries spanning four millennia. 2. The Royal Coin Cabinet was founded by King Charles XI, who decreed that two collections of coins be combined into “One Royal Cabinet of Coins.” 3. As of 2020, the permanent exhibition at the Royal Coin Cabinet is called “Money in Time: Four Thousand Years of Monetary History.” It includes such items as coins from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, coins of the Islamic World, gold coins of the medieval Swedish kings, and coins from around the world from modern times. 4. The Royal Coin Cabinet library is the largest library of its kind in Scandinavia, with over 10,000 volumes related to numismatics. 5. In 1997, the Royal Coin Cabinet established the first ever Numismatic Museum of Sweden. This museum houses one of the largest collections of coins, medals, and tokens in the world, with pieces from over 1000 countries. 6. The Royal Coin Cabinet also houses an extensive collection of Swedish banknotes and coins from the Royal Mint, as well as a large collection of paper money from other countries. One of the historical monuments of Sweden, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Sweden most popular tourist destination with us. The Royal Coin Cabinet In Sweden: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Sweden main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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