The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore - Rome In Italy: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a renowned Roman Catholic Marian basilica in Rome, Italy. It is one of the four churches in the world, and one of the five major Marian basilicas in the Catholic world. This basilica is known for having a particular mixture of Italian Renaissance, Baroque and Romanesque styles, and is considered one of the major Roman Catholic churches in Rome. The interior of the basilica contains numerous artworks and notable sculptures key to Italian Renaissance art, and is also home to the Protomartyr San Gennaro whose relics are in the crypt beneath the main altar. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is visited by pilgrims and tourists alike who travel to Rome. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Italy
Prominent Features:

1. Stunning Facade: The beautiful facade of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is awe inspiring. It features 11 columns crowned by marble statues of ancient prophets and four niches for statues of the four evangelists. 2. Stained Glass: The richly detailed stained glass windows of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore are stunning. They are decorated with figures drawn from the Bible and scenes from the life of Jesus. 3. Grand Mosaics: The overarching ceilings of the basilica are full of beautiful mosaics. They feature elaborate designs of birds, fruits, and a variety of colors. 4. Holy Relics: Inside the basilica is a reliquary, where you can view pieces of the true cross, pieces of cloth worn by Mary, and pieces of wood used as mangers. 5. Maggiore Bell Towers: The beautiful bells in the two towers, maggiore and less maggiore, can be heard throughout the city. They toll to call the faithful to prayer five times a day. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Italy.


The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the four major basilicas located in Rome, Italy. It is an important Catholic church and a popular tourist destination. The first traces of Christian worshipping on the Esquiline Hill can be found in the 4th Century when a small shrine was built in honor of the Virgin Mary. Then in the 5th century, the actual church was built by Pope Liberius, to commemorate snowfall over the Esquiline Hill in 356 AD. The church has undergone a number of modifications over the centuries, most notably when Pope Sixtus III carried out a major overhaul in the mid-fifth century. This renovation resulted in the transformation of the single nave basilica into the large five-nave church that exists today. During the Renaissance period, the church underwent another renovation when Pope Sixtus IV commissioned a new decorative interior design to be carried out by the Florentine architect, Domenico Fontana. This renovation saw the interior of the church covered in marble, with sculptures and frescos, including those of the beautiful Annunciation by Andrea Orcagna. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore has remained undamaged throughout the centuries and continues to be an important tourist attraction in Rome. Home to a 9th century picture of the Virgin Mary, known as the Salus Populi Romani, the church is also home to important artworks from the Renaissance period, such as the Vatican Vergine, sculpted by Pietro da Cortona and Taddeo Zuccari. The church also houses one of the world’s largest mosaic galleries, with more than 40,000 square metres of glass mosaics. Visit one of the famous monuments of Italy with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is a 16th century papal basilica located in Rome, Italy. 2. It is one of the four papal basilicas, known as “the patriarchal basilicas”. 3. The most unique feature of the basilica is its interior which features lavish gilded decor and frescoes throughout. 4. According to tradition, the site of the basilica was where the Virgin Mary appeared to Pope Liberius in the 5th century asking him to build a church there. 5. The Basilica houses the “Salus Populi Romani” Icon, which is believed to represent the Virgin Mary consoling the sorrowful people of Rome. It is also credited with saving the city from the Plague in the 17th century. 6. The Basilica also houses a reliquary containing relics from the cratures of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and John the Baptist. 7. The Main Altar of the Basilica, the Cesarini Altar, is decorated with a sculpted marble reclining figure of the Madonna and Child, the work of the Bernini family. 8. In 2019, Pope Francis personally consecrated the Basilica a Minor Basilica, and it is now the home of a diocesan museum. One of the historical monuments of Italy, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Italy most popular tourist destination with us. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore - Rome In Italy: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Italy main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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