Statue Of Pericles In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Statue Of Pericles is an iconic landmark located in the ancient Agora of Athens, Greece. It was created in 431 BCE and is a lifesize marble statute of the Athenian leader Pericles (495-429 BCE), who was the leading statesman of Athens during the early fifth century BCE. The sculpture was designed by the prominent 5th century sculptor Kresilas and is said to be one of the most realistic portraits of a human being from the Classical Greek period. The statue depicts Pericles wearing a cloak, himation, with his right hand extended in a gesture of address. The Pericles statue is considered a masterpiece of the Classical period, displaying a perfect combination of psychological expression and realistic detail. Today, it is one of the most photographed statues in the world and stands as a tribute to Athens’ great leader. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

The Statue of Pericles in Greece stands in the main square of Athens, where it has stood for more than 2,400 years. The sculpture is a tribute to the statesman and one of Athens' most celebrated leaders, Pericles. He is credited with building some of the most crucial and iconic structures of ancient Greece such as the Parthenon, Propylaea and the Erechtheum. Made of Pentelic marble, the sculpture depicts Pericles wearing a mantle that falls to the ground and is holding a staff in his right hand. The figure stands 7.2 feet in height and is a tribute to a man who has been seen as the symbol of Athenian democracy and culture. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


The Statue of Pericles is one of the most iconic monuments of the ancient world. It stands as a symbol of the influential statesman Pericles of Athens, and was created in the 5th century BC in honor of the celebrated leader. The sculpture, originally located in the Temple of Athena Nike, is a bronze statue approximately 4.25 meters high and is thought to be the work of the famous sculptor Kresilas. The statue depicts Pericles fully draped with a mantle, and holding a staff in his left hand. He is wearing a helmet and what appears to be a long cloak. It is possible that the artist used images of heroes from Athenian mythology (such as Zeus) as inspiration for the figure. Many scholars have noted the grand pose and theatrical aspect of the sculpture, suggesting that Kresilas was aiming to capture the attention and admiration of the viewer. The Statue of Pericles has been important to the people of Greece for centuries; it is seen as a powerful symbol of the prominent leader and his powerful legacy. During World War II the sculpture was removed from the Temple of Athena Nike for safety, and was eventually placed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens in 1959. Today the statue stands as a reminder of the greatness of a great leader and his accomplishments. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Pericles statue in Greece is an ancient marble sculpture located in the courtyard of the Museum of Ancient Greek Technology in Athens. 2. It is believed to have been created by the famous ancient Greek sculptor Polykleitos around 460 BC. 3. The statue is believed to represent the leader and statesman Pericles, who was one of the most influential citizens in the history of Athens during the era of the city-state. 4. The statue stands approximately 4.30 meters (14 feet) tall and has long been admired as one of the most remarkable examples of Classical Greek sculpture. 5. It has lost its original arms and head, which were stolen in the 19th century, and has been restored with plaster casts and copies of the originals, including a new head crafted from marble. 6. The Pericles statue still stands in the same spot as when it was first created, and has been used as model for other sculptures in the same style. 7. The statue was heavily damaged by German shelling during WWII, and has been restored several times since. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

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