St. Clement Basilica In Rome: History,Facts, & Services

St. Clement Basilica is a Roman Catholic house of worship located in Rome, Italy. It is one of the four papal major basilicas in Rome, with the other three being St. Peter's Basilica, St. John Lateran and St. Mary Major. The basilica is dedicated to Pope St. Clement I and is the burial site of his remains. St. Clement Basilica It is one of the best churches in Rome which you must visit.


The basilica is believed to have been founded in the 4th century by Pope St. Clement as a titular church for a Roman priest. During the 5th century, it was transformed into a memorial church for Pope St. Clement. During the 17th century, many restoration works were carried out, followed by further major renovations over the centuries until it reached its current form. St. Clement Basilica This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Rome.


Here are some facts about the St. Clement Basilica In Rome: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Rome
• St. Clement's Basilica stands 74 feet in height, it has a circular plan with one single nave and it was built primarily with blocks of tufa stone. • Its interior is decorated with a number of important works of art, such as a marble sarcophagus which contains the relics of Pope St. Clement, statues and mosaics. • A bust of Blessed Peter Sanz (the first Spaniard to become a beatified martyr) is placed in the left transept, while the right transept holds a statue of St. Jerome, both of which are by the famous sculptor Pompeo Leoni. St. Clement Basilica

• It is open to the public for consecrated events such as funerals, baptisms and weddings. • Masses are celebrated daily in the basilica, as well as special liturgies on certain religious events such as feasts and solemnities. • The basilica also serves as a pilgrimage destination for tourists year round.This beautiful church in Rome has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Rome most popular tourist destination with us. St. Clement Basilica In Rome: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Rome main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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