Mastaba of Ankhmahor at Saqqara In Egypt: History,Facts, & Services
The Mastaba of Ankhmahor at Saqqara is a late Old Kingdom (ca. 2551-2190 BCE) tomb located in Saqqara, Egypt. It was one of the largest and most impressive tombs built during the Old Kingdom era. The tomb was constructed by Ankhmahor, who was an architect and vizier to the king during the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. The tomb was constructed from limestone and consists of a rectangular courtyard, two chapels, a terrace, two large pillars and a large tomb shaft. Its walls were decorated with a number of frescoes depicting Ankhmahor's life, achievements and religious offerings to the gods. Inside the tomb, excavations revealed a large number of artifacts, including a large collection of pottery, wooden furniture and other objects. The Mastaba of Ankhmahor is an important archaeological site and is now part of the Saqqara Necropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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