Byzantine Walls of Drama In Greece: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The fortress walls of Drama in Greece form an important part of the city’s Byzantine history. The walls were built during the reign of Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos, in the year 1340. The walls reach a length of almost seven hundred and thirty meters and are composed of two outer enceintes, two inner enceintes and a small fort. In between, the two inner enclosures were built ancillary fortifications, used both for defensive and siege operations. The walls originally encircled an area of nearly three square kilometers, making it an ideal site for military operations, particularly when it was under siege. Drama suffered a few sieges during its long period of occupation, with the most famous one occurring in the year 1410 when the city was besieged by the forces of the Ottoman Empire. In addition to its defensive purpose, the walls of Drama also served to protect the city’s economy and infrastructure. During the Byzantine period Drama was an important regional center for trade and the walls allowed merchants to safely reach the city and conduct their business. The walls of Drama have been carefully preserved and still exist today, with a small section of the outer wall still standing. The walls are a reminder of the city’s rich and turbulent past and are still visited today by locals and tourists alike. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Greece
Prominent Features:

The Byzantine Walls of Drama represent some of the best preserved fortifications from the Byzantine era in Greece. The walls were constructed of thick stone blocks, and most of the outer wall still stands today. Inside the walls there are several towers and two gateways, one of which is an imposing two-story tower. The walls also include several churches and chapels, giving evidence of the importance of Drama during the Byzantine period. The walls are incredibly impressive and a great treat for anyone interested in learning about architecture and history. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Greece.


The Byzantine walls of Drama, located in the town of Drama in the Serres regional unit in northeastern Greece, are part of the remaining fortifications of the ancient town. The walls are notable for being the best-preserved walls of their kind in Greece. The walls of Drama were probably built around the 4th century CE. Archaeological evidence suggests that they were originally part of the fortifications of the early Byzantine town, and were likely constructed in an effort to protect the city from the raids of the Goths and Avars. In addition to the walls, the fortifications also included terraces, guard towers, and a large gate to the town. Around the 11th century CE, the walls were reinforced and extended by the Komnenos dynasty, and continued to be subsequently used by other rulers in the region. In the 14th century CE, the walls were further strengthened when the Ottomans invaded Drama. In the 19th century CE, much of the walls were destroyed or damaged as a result of various wars, though parts of the walls still remain intact. The surviving portions of the walls include two towers, three gates, and various sections of fortified walls. In recent years, some portions of the walls have been restored as part of various cultural projects in the region. Today, the Byzantine walls of Drama remain a popular tourist site, and serve as a testament of the city’s long history. They also continue to provide insight into the defensive strategies of the ancients in protecting their cities. Visit one of the famous monuments of Greece with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Byzantine Walls of Drama are the most well-preserved Byzantine defensive walls in the region and were built in the mid-13th century AD as part of the larger strategic defense system of the area. 2. The Walls of Drama stretch for 4 kilometers and feature 17 towers and 5 gates. 3. Inside the walls lie the old city of Drama and its acropolis which was the religious and administrative center of the region during the period of Byzantine rule. 4. The Walls of Drama are built with a combination of stone, mud brick and mortar. 5. The structures are triangular in shape and contain a ditch to repel attackers and provide another layer of defense. 6. The height of the walls and towers reach a maximum of 15 to 17 meters. 7. A section of the walls of Drama were restored in the 1970s and is now open to the public as a museum. 8. Today, the Walls of Drama are seen as a marvel of architecture and engineering from the Byzantine period. One of the historical monuments of Greece, it tells the story of a bygone era

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