UCCJ Waseda Church In Japan: History,Facts, & Services

UCCJ Waseda Church is a United Church of Christ Japan (UCCJ) church located on the Waseda University campus in Tokyo, Japan. The church was founded in 1973 as an English-speaking church for students and young people. The church's mission is to provide an open, Christ-centered learning and worship community where members share their faith and support each other in their spiritual journey. It is one of the best churches in Japan which you must visit.


UCCJ Waseda Church was started in 1973 by UCCJ and Waseda University chaplains, who together built a small chapel and launched the church. Initially, the church served mostly students and young people, but currently it is open to all. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Japan.


Here are some facts about the UCCJ Waseda Church In Japan: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Japan
The church has an average attendance of about 70 people on Sundays. Services are held in English and Japanese and include Bible study, worship, and discussion groups. UCCJ Waseda Church is part of the United Church of Christ Japan network.

UCCJ Waseda Church provides Sunday services, discussion groups, retreats and youth programs. The church also has a library and book store, as well as an English-language counseling center that provides spiritual and mental health resources for all.This beautiful church in Japan has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Japan most popular tourist destination with us. UCCJ Waseda Church In Japan: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Japan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

  1. City:


  2. state:

    Waseda, Tokyo

  3. country:


  4. country code:


  5. postcode:



Waseda, Tokyo Japan

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