Kirche aller Nationen In Palestine: History,Facts, & Services

Kirche aller Nationen In Palestine (Church of All Nations In Palestine) is an ecumenical, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Christian ministry that seeks to bring together Christians from all geographic locations, denominations, cultures and ethnicities to follow Jesus Christ. It has been deemed an ecumenical center for fellowship and reconciliation in the region. The mission of the Church is to serve as an example of Christian reconciliation, living in a region with limited religious freedoms for Christians from other countries. In Palestine, Kirche aller Nationen aspires to bring together all Christian denominations to promote peace, mercy, justice, and service. The Church also provides mission trips and retreats for Christian visitors to the region. It seeks to create a safe refuge for Christians to practice their faith and seek true unity in the biblical doctrines. Overall, the Church of All Nations In Palestine strives to promote Christian unity and peace in the region.

Explore Palestine most popular tourist destination with us. Kirche aller Nationen In Palestine: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Palestine main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Palestine Palestine

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