Al Mudhaireb South North Mosque In Oman: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information


The Al Mudhaireb South North Mosque is located in Muscat, Oman. It is an iconic structure, both in terms of its impressive stature, which can be seen from afar, and its impact on the city's skyline. The building is a modern embodiment of Islamic architecture, with a subtle blend of traditional Islamic forms and a contemporary look and feel. The building has a unique exterior shape, which was specially designed to satisfy specific prayer requirements. This is especially evident in the building’s rectangular façade, which is divided into three distinct sections. The western (entrance) section is a prominent pointed arch, which is flanked by two tall minaret-style towers. The center section, or first floor, contains the main prayer hall and has a much more traditional Islamic dome shape. Lastly, the Eastern (prayer hall) section features a large circular dome, and is the focal point of the building. The interior of the mosque is characterized by its dark wood furnishings and intricate Islamic designs. There is an impressive dome structure in the center of the building, with intricate color-painted vaults and niches. The walls are adorned with ornate Islamic designs, and the floor is covered with a finely-patterned silk carpet. There are also several stained glass windows, which provide a beautiful contrast with the dark wood interior. In addition, there is a separate area dedicated to women, which has its own entrance and seating area. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Al Mudhaireb South North Mosque in Oman is located in the city of Muscat. It is located near the city’s main commercial center. The mosque is easily accessible by car or by public transport. The closest bus stop is located just outside the mosque. The best way to reach the mosque is by car. From the city center, the mosque is easily reached by taking the highway leading south from Muscat and then taking an exit for Qantab Village. The mosque is only a few minutes away from the town center and can be easily spotted from the highway. The Al Mudhaireb North South Mosque is one of the popular mosques in Oman. There is limited parking space available near the mosque. However, it is suggested to find parking at the city’s main commercial center and then walk to the mosque. The mosque is open to visitors all days of the week from sunrise to sunset. It is highly recommended to dress modestly when visiting the mosque, as it is an Islamic holy site. Furthermore, non-Muslim visitors are expected to remain quiet, be respectful and refrain from engaging in any acts of worship while inside the mosque. beautiful masjid.

Explore Oman most popular tourist destination with us. Al Mudhaireb South North Mosque In Oman: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Oman main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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