Anglican / Episcopal Church of Christ the King In Germany: History,Facts, & Services

The Anglican / Episcopal Church of Christ the King is a traditional Anglican / Episcopal church in Dresden, Germany. It was founded in 1840 as part of a mission by the Evangelical Church in Germany. The church's first Pastor was the Reverend Charles Ehrmyer. The Church's mission was, and continues to be, to bring the gospel to all people, regardless of nationality or social standing. This is reflected in the Church's motto: "For All People, All Nation". The Church of Christ the King is an Anglican / Episcopal congregation, and is a member of the world-wide Anglican Communion. The whole church community is committed to upholding the teachings of the Bible and traditional historic Anglican doctrine, while also embracing the insights that our changing world is bringing to faith. The Church is devoted to the vocation of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and to living out his example as we serve our neighbours and extend God's love and justice amongst humanity. The Church of Christ the King is a strong advocate of interfaith dialogue, and actively participates in global Christian and interfaith events. The Church has also taken on an increasingly important role in the German Church, providing support and encouragement in areas such as education, mission and ministry, and social outreach. The Church of Christ the King offers a range of services. These include traditional liturgy and worship services, retreats, Bible studies, lectures, and workshops. The Church is also involved in various outreach programs such as humanitarian aid, housing care, and ecological projects. Further, the Church actively encourages interfaith dialogue and seeks to foster interfaith understanding and cooperation. The Church also retains traditions such as the celebration of Lord's Supper and Advent service.

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