EKAR SVD Ambatobe In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services

EKAR SVD Ambatobe is a Christian congregation that was founded in Madagascar in 1907 by Abbe François Le Gouz. Its aim is to provide spiritual direction to members of all faiths and religions in an holistic manner. Its activities include Bible studies, pastoral care, and social services. Its main objective is to spread the Christian message and community of Christian life, as well as reach out to those in need of assistance and healing. In its long history, the congregation has developed a network of churches, schools, hospitals, and social services, making it a vital source of spiritual and material aid to people living in Madagascar.

Explore Madagascar most popular tourist destination with us. EKAR SVD Ambatobe In Madagascar: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Madagascar main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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