Eglise Copte Orthodoxe au Luxembourg Asbl AsblIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services

Eglise Copte Orthodoxe au Luxembourg Asbl is a non-profit association based in Luxembourg, founded in 2009 and dedicated to promoting the Coptic Orthodox faith, culture and traditions. It provides religious services including divine liturgies, spiritual guidance and exhortation, and religious education programs such as bible studies, catechism classes and other activities to the Coptic community in Luxembourg. It also serves as a forum for discussion and as a source of information on matters related to the Copts in Luxembourg. The association is affiliated with the European Episcopal Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, and works to preserve and promote the unique traditions of the faith in the country.

Explore Luxembourg most popular tourist destination with us. Eglise Copte Orthodoxe au Luxembourg Asbl AsblIn Luxembourg: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Luxembourg main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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