Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed consistory In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services
The Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Consistory (LERC) was established in 1958 as a national Lutheran consistory in the Republic of Lithuania. It is the governing body for churches belonging to the Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church (LERC). Their mission is to enliven and strengthen the faith of its congregations, spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serve humankind in the spirit of love. The LERC consists of approximately 75 congregations spread throughout all of Lithuania. Each congregation is part of a parish that is led by a pastor appointed by the consistory. The consistory is led by a Consistory Chair, and is responsible for providing administrative, organizational, and financial support to the churches and affiliated organizations of the LERC. The consistory also provides spiritual guidance and programs for congregations, as well as support for Christian education. Every five years, the consistory hosts a synod, during which it elects a synodal board. This board serves as the governing body for the LERC, and is also responsible for the ordination and installation of all pastors and professors of theology.
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