Word of Life Church Lithabaneng In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services

Word of Life Church (Lithabaneng) is an Assemblies of God church located in Lesotho. The church began in 1965 after evangelists from the British Assemblies of God Mission visited the area. The church has gone through many changes since then and now serves a large congregation of over 3,000 members. The church seeks to reach out to those in need and has numerous community programs, such as healthcare, educational, sports and recreational facilities. Services are conducted in both English and Sesotho and encourages a family-oriented lifestyle. The church also provides spiritual guidance and support to help individuals grow in their faith.

Explore Lesotho most popular tourist destination with us. Word of Life Church Lithabaneng In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lesotho main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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