Tloha-re-bue SDA Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services

Tloha-re-bue SDA Church is a Seventh-day Adventist Church located in Masianokeng, Lesotho. It first opened its doors in September of 2008 and has grown exponentially since then. Tloha-re-bue SDA Church offers a variety of services and activities such as Saturday worship, baptisms, and health and wellness seminars. The church also provides many forms of social and economic aid to its local community.

Explore Lesotho most popular tourist destination with us. Tloha-re-bue SDA Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lesotho main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Maseru Lesotho

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