Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services

Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho It is one of the best churches in Lesotho which you must visit.


Emmanuel Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church, lesotho, is a progressive church which has served the spiritual, educational and social needs of the Lesotho nation since 1937. The church has flourished in the presence of a multi-cultural membership. In 1952, Rev. Ernest F Parry from the United Sates, was appointed as pastor and through his leadership and commitment, the Church grew to become one of the most prominent churches across the entire country. Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Lesotho.


Here are some facts about the Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Lesotho
1. Emmanuel Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church is located at Kanana, Lesotho. 2. The Church was established in 1937. 3. The current pastor of the church is Dr. Mosotho Fokoro. 4. The Church has a mission to empower and inspire all people who come to worship. 5. The Church building was inaugurated in 1970. Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho

Emmanuel Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church provides several services such as Sunday School, Sunday Service, Wednesday Bible Study, VBS, bi-monthly Youth Game Nights, and Annual Events. They also offer an array of educational opportunities including tutoring, public speaking engagements, bible classes, health seminars, and mentoring. The church also provides community service opportunities including distributing food and clothing to those in need, and visiting elderly and patients in hospitals.This beautiful church in Lesotho has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Lesotho most popular tourist destination with us. Emmanuel Temple AME Church In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lesotho main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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