The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church Lesotho In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services
The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church Lesotho In Lesotho is a non-denominational church based on biblical principles. Founded in 2002, it seeks to reach Lesotho and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This church is focused on teaching, preaching, discipleship and evangelism. It is an active member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Lesotho and the World Evangelical Alliance. The Potter's House has a strong social justice mission, providing help for the poor and disadvantaged in Lesotho. It supports multiple outreach programs, such as the Transform Lesotho, a development and transformation project. It also runs a food and clothing drive for orphanages throughout the country. The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church Lesotho In Lesotho has weekly services, prayer meetings, youth groups, and Bible studies to meet the spiritual needs of the members.
Explore Lesotho most popular tourist destination with us. The Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church Lesotho In Lesotho: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lesotho main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.
, the name of the Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church is the Potter's House Lesotho.
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, the name of the Potter's House Christian Fellowship Church is the Potter's House Lesotho. Lesotho