Congregación Cristiana En El Paraguay Ciudad Del Este In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services


is an evangelical congregation from the Christian Church of Paraguay, founded in 1984 by Pastor José Elías Cabral and several other members of the Christian community in the city of Ciudad del Este. The Congregation has since devoted itself to proclaiming the Gospel and providing assistance and care to the needy. It is known for its charitable works, such as providing meals to the homeless, sponsoring soup kitchens, and providing free medical assistance to those in need. The congregation is also committed to the promotion of education, gender equality, and justice, and strives to safeguard its members against physical, material, and spiritual abuse. It is one of the best churches in Kosovo which you must visit.


1. Congregación Cristiana En El Paraguay Ciudad Del Este (CCEPCIE) is a non-denominational Christian Church in Kosovo. 2. Founded in 2011, the CCEPCIE is made up of members from every corner of the province who are determined to worship and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Kosovo. 3. The Church is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Churches and Organizations in Kosovo (FCCOK) and the Churches’ Fellowship in Eastern Europe (CFEE). 4. CCEPCIE is overseen by Vicar Jean-Marc Infantino, a pastor with extensive experience in Europe, and assisted by Pastor Yonatan Moreano from Uruguay. 5. Along with celebrating the weekly communion, the Church provides counseling to individuals and families, along with educational programs such as bible studies, and youth activities. 6. CCEPCIE also serves the local community through charity work, including a food pantry and providing clothing and shoes for children in need. 7. Located in the city center, the Church has quickly become a home for believers from all walks of life. 8. The Church has a Sunday subscription-based service, offering Bible study, Spanish and English baptismal services, and live streaming of other special events throughout the year. 9. As part of their outreach mission, the Church offers “corner hopping”, connecting with the local communities by hosting meetings in several parts of the city. Here are some facts about the Kosovo Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Kosovo


Congregación Cristiana en el Paraguay Ciudad del Este ofrece servicios a la comunidad de fe cristiana en Kosovo. Estos servicios incluyen: 1. Predicación y enseñanza: La congregación ofrece predicación y enseñanza basadas en la Biblia. Dicen ser una comunidad de creyentes en “En la Verdad de la Palabra de Dios.” 2. Grupos Familiares: La congregación alienta a los miembros de la iglesia a formar grupos pequeños para compartir sus experiencias y bendiciones. Estos grupos son liderados por personas experimentadas en el estudio bíblico. 3. Servicio Social: La iglesia ofrece ayuda a través de programas de alimentos, servicios de salud y maestros voluntarios. Esta ayuda se provee para los miembros de la comunidad y está dirigida a educar sobre las creencias de su fe. 4. Actividades Ministeriales: También ofrecen cursos y seminarios sobre la Biblia, la identidad cristiana y la primera impresión. Estas actividades están dirigidas a ayudar a las personas a fortalecer sus creencias y enriquecer la vida de sus familias. 5. Culto: La congregación también ofrece el culto diario, oraciones en diferentes idiomas, entrega de medallas al servicio de la iglesia, degustación de alimentos y la celebración de la Fiesta de la Ascensión. 6. Servicio a la Comunidad: El ministerio también sirve a la comunidad a través del programa de apoyo interdenominacional, programas de asistencia de niños, programas de asistencia a ancianos y un programa de becas para los estudiantes del país. This beautiful church in Kosovo has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Kosovo most popular tourist destination with us. Congregación Cristiana En El Paraguay Ciudad Del Este In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Kosovo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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