iglesia Asamblea deDios Concepcion Paraguay In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services


is short because there are no church communities in Kosovo with a long-standing history. This church was planted in Kosovo by Venezuelan and Paraguayan Missionaries, who started to come to Kosovo in 2009. The church has grown from a small house to a larger camp in 2011, open to people from all backgrounds. The church is focused on the preaching of the gospel, biblical teaching, and activities such as Sunday school, social activities and prayer meetings. They also provide humanitarian aid in many areas and work on community development projects. It is one of the best churches in Kosovo which you must visit.


1. The Asamblea deDios Church in Concepcion, Paraguay was founded by a small group of Pentecostal Christians in 2010. 2. Its primary purpose is to propagate the gospel, provide spiritual growth, and serve as a source of strength and unity among Christians. 3. The Congregation has grown and currently counts with more than 85 members and 5 leaders. 4. The Church is a member of the Paraguayan Asamblea de Dios Churches, a federation of churches across South America. 5. The Church has its own building located in the center of Concepcion, Paraguay. 6. It holds regular worship services and provides a wide range of spiritual activities such as fellowship, group Bible study, and evangelism classes. 7. In recent years, the Church has opened its doors to the large Kosovar community living in Paraguay, providing spiritual guidance and support. 8. It has hosted several charitable events, providing aid to those in need. 9. Recently, the Church organized a special charity event in support of victims of natural disasters in Kosovo. Here are some facts about the Kosovo Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Kosovo


La Asamblea de Dios Concepción Paraguay en Kosovo ofrece servicios espirituales y educativos a los cristianos de esa región. Ofrecen clases de estudio bíblico dirigidas por pastores y líderes locales, que también proporcionan consejería y asesoramiento para apoyar a los cristianos en su camino de crecimiento espiritual. Esta iglesia también sirve comunidades afectadas por la guerra y alberga regularmente una variedad de eventos con artistas que comparten su música, poesía y arte. Estos servicios de la iglesia ayudan a la comunidad local a encontrar conexiones de amor, respeto y esperanza. This beautiful church in Kosovo has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Kosovo most popular tourist destination with us. iglesia Asamblea deDios Concepcion Paraguay In Kosovo: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Kosovo main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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