King Talal Dam In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


King Talal Dam is an arch-gravity structure located in the eastern part of Jordan, on the Zarqa River, about 52 km (32 miles) northeast of Amman. It was designed and constructed between 1968 and 1973. The dam is 101 m (331 ft) high and 310 m (1,017 ft) long, and has a storage capacity of 265 million cubic meters (212,000 acre-feet). It is owned and operated by Jordan's Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The dam stores and provides water for both domestic and agricultural use, as well as generating hydroelectric power. It also helps to regulate the River Zarqa's water levels, which is important for agricultural development in the area. The power station at the dam has a capacity of 25 megawatts and is operated by the National Electric Power Company. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Jordan
Prominent Features:

1. The King Talal Dam was constructed in the 1960s by the Jordanian government to create a reliable water source for the area surrounding Amman. 2. Located on the Zarqa River in north-central Jordan, the dam is the longest earth-filled dam in the country. 3. The dam is 272 meters (892 feet) long, 32 meters (105 feet) wide, and 30 meters (98 feet) high, and is capable of holding 480 million cubic meters (162 billion gallons) of water. 4. The dam is operated jointly by the Jordanian government and local tribal authorities. 5. The dam is used to irrigate more than 300,000 hectares (741,305 acres) of land for grow-ing agricultural crops, as well as supplying drinking water. 6. The dam also provides hydro-power and electricity for the area, and generates an estimated 18 megawatts of electricity. 7. It also supplies nearly 6,400 cubic meters (22 million gallons) of water per minute for irrigation, industrial, and domestic consumption. 8. The dam is named after King Talal bin Abdullah of Jordan, who was influential in getting the project started and in its completion. This national monument of Jordan portrays the history and culture of the country.


The King Talal Dam, located in Amman, Jordan is a gravity dam that was constructed between 1958 and 1964. The dam was built as part of a larger, Jordanian irrigation plan intended to expand the country’s agricultural potential. The primary utility of the structure is to regulate and control high water flows from the Wadi Zarqa catchment in Jordan, which eventually lead to the Dead Sea. The dam is operated by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and is owned by the Royal Jordanian Government. The construction of the King Talal Dam began in 1958 to meet the growing demand of irrigation water in the country. The primary purpose of the dam is to store and regulate the high river flows from the Zarqa river catchment area into Jordan. The water from the Zarqa is released through the dam into the Kings Talal reservoir. From there, it is diverted and distributed to the Zarqa River before emptying into the Dead Sea. The King Talal Dam is an important part of the water distribution system in the region, as it provides valuable resources to surrounding provinces by regulating water flow. It has been used to irrigate over 13,000ha of agricultural land and provide potable water for over 1 million people. Additionally, the King Talal Dam is an important source of electricity generation, generating up to 72MW of electricity, which is supplied to the local power grid. The King Talal Dam is also important for its environmental benefits, providing an important conservation area for local bird take refuge from the arid environment around Amman. The wetland areas along the dam also provide an important habitat for several species of wildlife in the region. You must visit one of these historical places in Jordan on your Jordan tour

Interesting facts:

1. King Talal Dam is located in the central Jordan Valley, about 70 kilometers west of Amman and 40 kilometers east of the Jordanian-Israeli border. 2. The dam has a storage capacity of 4.3 million cubic meters and a length of 600 meters across the Jordan Valley. 3. Construction of the dam began in 1954 and was completed in 1961. 4. The Dam is named after King Talal bin Abdullah, father of King Hussein of Jordan. 5. The Talal Dam is mainly used for the production of hydropower, but also provides a reliable water supply to the Jordan Valley and surrounding region. 6. The dam is part of the Jordan River system and helps to regulate the seasonal flooding of the Jordan River. 7. The dam also helps feed the Jordan Valley Agricultural Corridor, one of Jordan’s most important agricultural areas. 8. In 2013, The Talal Dam was the first dam in Jordan to be included in the Ramsar Convention, recognizing its importance to the ecology of the region. Visit one of the famous monuments of Jordan with your friends and family.

Explore Jordan most popular tourist destination with us. King Talal Dam In Jordan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Jordan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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