Christ Alive Kingston In Jamaica: History,Facts, & Services

Christ Alive Kingston is a Christian ministry founded in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in 1982. It is dedicated to evangelism, discipleship and global outreach, with the broad mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. It is a non-denominational, inter-generational congregation that strives to create an atmosphere that engages people in a relationship with God. Christ Alive Kingston It is one of the best churches in Jamaica which you must visit.


The church was founded in 1982 by Jack and Sharon Mederios, who arrived in Kingston from the USA with the dream to plant a church that could make a difference in the community. It began as a small house-church and quickly grew in size and scope. In 1989, a permanent property was secured and the church moved into their current facility on the corner of Division Street and Dundas Street. Christ Alive Kingston This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Jamaica.


Here are some facts about the Christ Alive Kingston In Jamaica: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Jamaica
• The church has grown from a handful of people at its inception to almost 500 on Sunday mornings. • It offers a wide range of ministries, from youth and children programs to counseling services and mission outreach. • The church has a close partnership with ministries in Canada, the USA and abroad. • Over the years, Christ Alive Kingston has supported hundreds of missionaries, helped build churches overseas and provided community projects to benefit people in many parts of the world. Christ Alive Kingston

• Worship services • Bible study • Prayer meetings • Small group meetings • Music ministry • Youth and children’s ministries • Marriage and relationship counseling • Mission outreachThis beautiful church in Jamaica has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Jamaica most popular tourist destination with us. Christ Alive Kingston In Jamaica: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Jamaica main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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