Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) In Iran: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

The Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) in Iran is one of the oldest mosques in Iran. The history of this historic mosque dates back to the 9th century, when it was first built in 854 AD. In 1639, it was rebuilt by Sheikh Muhammad Husain, the renowned master of the Safavid Dynasty. The architecture of the mosque is typical of the Iranian qanat style and is one of the most famous mosques in Iran. The interior of the mosque is decorated with stunning marble and tile works, and a large dome is the focal point of the prayer hall. Apart from its religious function, the mosque also serves as a historical and architectural landmark in the city, built in memory of the great ruler Hossein Ibn Ali. It is one of the most famous mosque in Iran which you must visit.


The Jameh Mosque of Semnan is a historic mosque located in Semnan, Iran. Built over 600 years ago, the mosque has been home to a plethora of architectural styles throughout its long history. It is composed of a large entrance arch, a courtyard, a courtyard-connected prayer hall, a qibla wall (pointing towards Mecca), a minaret, and a vestibule. The mosque also features an octagonal dome and decorative calligraphy and tiles. The entrance arch, which is comprised of a muqarnas ceiling with carved stone facades, is noteworthy for its elaborate geometric designs. The courtyard has four iwans (four-balled-arch portals) in the eastern, northern and southern sides of the complex, with the western iwan being the largest and highest. This section of the mosque is known as the Haram (sacred space). The qibla wall features an ornate marble mihrab and is framed by a prayer niche and marble columns. The Qiblatain, the prayer hall, is composed of a long, vaulted room culminating in an octagonal dome. The dome is composed of a delicate lattice framework and features intricate floral facets. The domes is supported by sixteen horseshoe arches, which span two levels. The minaret, located in the southeastern corner of the mosque, is a peaceful tower with a gallery of eight arch windows from which the call for prayer is made. Finally, a vestibule connects the main courtyard to the main prayer hall. The Jameh Mosque of Semnan is a fascinating example of Iranian Islamic architecture, showcasing both traditional architectural styles and newer decorative techniques. As a result, the mosque is considered to be one of the most important Islamic monuments in Iran. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

? The visiting hours of Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) in Iran are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) is located in the city of Semnan, Iran. Getting There: By Plane: The closest airport to Semnan is Semnan International Airport (SEM) located 23 kilometers south of the city. There are regular flights to and from Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Isfahan. By Bus: Semnan is serviced by regular long-distance bus connections from Tehran and other major cities around Iran. By Train: The Trans-Iranian Railway runs through Semnan and regular services from Tehran are available. By Car: There are two highways that connect Semnan to Tehran and other major cities in Iran. Getting to the Mosque: Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) is located in the old city centre. It can easily be reached by walking or by a short taxi ride from the city centre. Admission: Admission to Jameh Mosque of Semnan (Jadeed) is free. beautiful masjid.

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