Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services

Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church is a Christian church located in Bali, Indonesia. The church was founded in 2006 by Pastor Josua Aria Bongso and his family and currently has a membership of over 200 people. The church's mission is to share God's love with the people of Bali, providing hope and spiritual guidance through worship, fellowship and spiritual growth. Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church It is one of the best churches in Indonesia which you must visit.


Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church was founded in 2006 by Pastor Josua Aria Bongso. Pastor Bongso and his family had been serving in Bali for many years and had a growing passion for the people there. After much prayer and careful consideration, the church was established to bring God's love and hope to Bali. Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Indonesia.


Here are some facts about the Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Indonesia
The church is a member of the Indonesian Ministry Fellowship (IMF), an association of Indonesian Christian Churches. The church is located in the Kuta area of Bali. The church has an average attendance of around 80-90 people each week. The church has a vibrant Sunday school and is committed to community outreach. Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church

Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church offers a variety of worship and preaching services. Sunday worship services include traditional worship music, Bible teaching and Christian fellowship. Bible study classes and seminars are also held throughout the week. Outreach activities and social activities are also regularly organized. The church runs a youth ministry and holds regular prayer meetings.This beautiful church in Indonesia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Rock Kuta Indonesian Bethel Church In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Rock Kuta, Indonesia

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Rock Kuta, Indonesia Indonesia

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