GPdI Sangkakala In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services

GPdI Sangkakala is a non-profit organization that strives to improve the lives of vulnerable and marginalized individuals by providing access to public services, educational opportunities, and economic assistance. The organization was established in January 2019 as part of the government’s National Program to Promote Development in Indonesian Communities (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa - PNPMD), and since then it has taken on a number of initiatives to strengthen the capacity of local society and empower its members. GPdI Sangkakala History GPdI Sangkakala was established with the support of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and the Indonesia Social Investment Bank. The organization began its operations in January 2019 with a mandate to provide assistance to vulnerable and marginalized communities in Indonesian villages. It has since become an important part of the Indonesian government’s national development agenda and has been commended for its successful efforts in helping to reduce poverty, combat gender inequality, and improve access to basic services. GPdI Sangkakala Facts • GPdI Sangkakala is managed by a dedicated team of professionals and collaborators. • The organization operates in 14 provinces across the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. • The organization works to reduce poverty, empower local communities, and promote gender equality. GPdI Sangkakala Services GPdI Sangkakala provides a range of services to address the needs of vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities. It offers educational programs, such as post-primary vocational skills training, basic literacy courses and job-skills training. The organization also facilitates access to subsidized health services, free legal assistance and psychosocial support. In addition, it provides low-interest start-up capital and other financial products to support the creation of micro-businesses. The organization also provides outreach and community mobilization programs to promote safety, financial literacy and access to healthcare and educational opportunities.

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