Cathedral Church of Saint Gemma Galgani In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services

The Cathedral Church of Saint Gemma Galgani is a Catholic cathedral located in Lucca, Italy. It is dedicated to St. Gemma Galgani and was built in 1931. The church was designed by Luigi Moretti and constructed with the help of a group of local volunteers and dedicated to St. Gemma. The Catholic Church considers Saint Gemma a saint and she is the patron saint of Lucca. The cathedral is a beautiful building, with the main facade facing the Piazza San Martino. Inside the church you will find a large crypt which houses the remains of gemma Galgani. The cathedral also has a series of mosaics and frescoes, as well as two wooden statues of St. Gemma which were commissioned by Pope Pius XI. There are a number of services offered at the Cathedral, such as Mass, Benediction, Divine Office, and Bible Studies. The Cathedral also provides a conference room available for conferences and lectures.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Cathedral Church of Saint Gemma Galgani In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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