Al-Abror Mosque - Surabaya In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Al-Abror mosque is a small mosque located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. It is one of the oldest mosques in Surabaya, built in the 19th century and since then has become a symbol of the Islamic faith in the area. The mosque has a long and exquisite history full of important events, and it is said that some of the famous religious figures of the past have visited the place. The design of this mosque resembles the At-Tin mosque which is located in Petra, Jordan and it follows highly the Islamic architecture of its kind. The mosque is composed of simple materials such as bricks, wood and rocks. The façade of the mosque is decorated with white paint, arabesques and colorful fabrics. On the back side of the mosque is situated an octagonal prayer room, used by the worshipers when the main prayer hall is too crowded. Every Friday, a congregation gathers in the prayer room for the Jumu'ah prayer followed by special supplications. On special occasions, the hall is overflowing with people who come to pray and listen to Islamic lectures. The Al-Abror Mosque is considered a magnet for tourists who are interested in visiting a historical place, as well as spiritual people who look for a place to seek peace of mind. They can rest assured because this mosque is a safe place, respectful of other religions. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


Al-Abror Mosque, also known as Masjid Besar Surabaya or Grand Mosque of Surabaya, is an important Mosque in the East Java city of Surabaya, Indonesia. It is located in the district of Gambiran, in the north-east of the city. The Mosque is well known for its beautiful and unique architecture. The Mosque is a large building, built in neo-classical style. It is constructed of white-washed brick with red brick accents, topped with an onion-shaped dome and a single minaret. The Mosque has two main facades, the first facing north with an arched entrance and two onion-dome turrets on either side, and the second facing south with two large white-washed domes. The interior is spacious and decorated with intricate Islamic calligraphy and murals. It also features a separate prayer hall for women, an ablution area, and a library for religious studies. The courtyard is also decorated with gracefully shaped fountain pools and a fountain with colorful ornamental stones. The Al-Abror Mosque is an important landmark in Surabaya, one that has been an important part of the city's cultural and religious life for many generations. Its unique architecture and iconic setting make it a much visited place for many locals and tourists alike. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Al-Abror Mosque is open from 5.00 AM to 10.00PM every day. It offers visitors a variety of services such as prayer services, religious counselling, family counselling, and a library. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Al-Abror Mosque is located in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia. The mosque is located at Komplek Ruko Igika Blok A, Jl. Gang Surya, Bukit Darmo Permai, Tambaksari, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The closest airport to the mosque is Juanda International Airport, which is located approximately 16 miles away. Public transportation, including buses, metros, and taxis, are available to get to the mosque. beautiful masjid.

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