Heliodours Pillars locally known as Khan In India: History,Facts, & Services

. Heliodours Pillars locally known as Khan Overview Heliodours Pillars is an ancient monument located in the Gujarat region of India. It is a four-pillared structure that is believed to have been constructed during the rule of the Chalukya Dynasty. The structure was named after the traditional god of the Hindu religion, Lord Heliodorus, who is believed to have commissioned the pillars. Prominent Features Heliodour’s Pillars stand 40 feet tall and are made of granite. The pillars are carved with intricate designs that display images of the gods and goddesses belonging to the Hindu faith. They contain ancient inscriptions in Sanskrit and Prakrit which provide information about the rulers of the Chalukya Dynasty. History The Heliodours Pillars were first erected in the 10th century. They are believed to have been commissioned by the ruler of the Chalukya dynasty, Vikramaditya II. According to some stories, the pillar was once adorned with a gold plaque inscribed with the words “Hey Garuda, the messenger of Vishnu”. This is a reference to the bird god of the Hindu religion, Garuda. Interesting Facts • The Heliodours Pillars were once used as a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu. • The pillars are decorated with intricate carvings depicting different gods and goddesses. • One of the pillars contains an inscription of the ten names of Lord Vishnu. • The pillars are believed to symbolically represent the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Heliodours Pillars locally known as Khan In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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-e-Bedam Uttar Pradesh India

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