Sippola ChurchIn Finland: History,Facts, & Services

Sippola Church is a Lutheran Church located in the municipality of Mikkeli, Finland. The Church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, and is a member of the Porvoo Communion. Sippola Church was originally founded in 1630. The current building of the Church dates back to 1867 and was designed by architect Jac Jacobsson. Sippola Church is known for its beautiful wooden interior and for its intricately carved wooden altar. The Church also houses an organ built by the Arp Schnitger organ-building company, one of the most renowned organ-building companies in Northern Europe. The Church is also home to a number of notable works of art, including paintings by Finnish painter Juhani Aho and sculptures by Anton Saksi. Services at Sippola Church are held in Finnish and are held in the Lutheran tradition. The services are typically held on Sundays and other special occasions, such as national holidays. The Church is open to visitors and visitors are welcome to take part in services. Other activities such as concerts and lectures are also occasionally held.

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