Stone Causeway at Batura, Bokkos, Plateau State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a project funded by the Plateau State Government of Nigeria and run by the Reproductive Health Access project (RHA). It is an intake point for HIV/AIDS services and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and capacity building within the local Bokkos community. The Stone Causeway is also a safe space for women and men to access health services and information on HIV prevention and protection, STIs and TB prevention and treatment, antenatal and postnatal care, HIV testing and counselling, and access to exclusive breastfeeding and other nutrition services. It also offers GBV awareness raising and psychosocial support. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Nigeria
Prominent Features:

The Stone Causeway at Batura is a prominent feature located in Bokkos, Plateau State in Nigeria. The causeway was built by the Jukun people around the 15th century as a communication route between the Jukun kingdom and other neighboring kingdoms. The Stone Causeway is approximately 8 km long and 2.5 m wide, making it one of the longest surviving pre-colonial engineering works in Nigeria. The causeway is set on an elevated terrain and consists of interconnected mounds of stones, which are carefully arranged in a series of stepped terraces. The stones used for building the causeway are locally sourced and range from a few centimeters to about two meters in length. The Stone Causeway at Batura serves as an important reminder of the engineering ingenuity of the Jukun people during the pre-colonial period. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Nigeria.


Stone causeways are ancient roadways which have been used for centuries in various parts of the world. The stone causeway built at Batura, Bokkos, Plateau state in Nigeria was built between the 15th and 16th centuries by a group of local villagers. This causeway is believed to be the oldest such structure in all of Africa. The Batura causeway is made of large pieces of stone, laid in a single line with a slight incline. The stones are arranged in a stepped fashion, with the highest step the level of the water’s edge. The causeway stretches for almost a mile and is surrounded on both sides by the lake. The causeway provided the villagers with a safe and efficient way to get from one side of the lake to the other. It also allowed them to transport goods and livestock from one area to the other. Before this causeway was built, the villagers only had the option of crossing the lake by boats, which were often unreliable and dangerous. The causeway also had spiritual and ritual significance to the people of Batura, Bokkos. It was believed that by crossing the causeway, it brought good luck and wellbeing to their lives. In some ways, the causeway was seen as a connection between the two sides of the lake, and therefore a connection between the spiritual and physical worlds. Today, the causeway is still in use, although it has been heavily damaged by flooding and erosion. It is a recognized historic landmark in Nigeria, and a testament to the ingenuity and hard work of the people who built it centuries ago. Visit one of the famous monuments of Nigeria with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Stone Causeway at Batura, Bokkos, Plateau State in Nigeria is a 15 km long wall of stones, that has been standing for centuries. 2. It is thought to have been built by the Kwalla or Kwandu people, a semi-nomadic tribe from the Middle Belt of Nigeria. 3. The causeway is considered to be one of the oldest surviving man-made structures in West Africa, and is believed to date back to 9th or 10th century AD. 4. The ancient stone wall is made of two layers of stones, with a space of 2 to 3 feet between them. 5. The wall is believed to have served as a defensive barrier/fortification for the Kwalla people against their enemies during times of war. 6. The purpose of the wall could also have been to keep the livestock out of the river, which was the main source of water for the local people. 7. The wall is visible from miles away and is a testament to the engineering and craftsmanship of the ancient Kwalla people. 8. In recent years, the Nigerian government has begun renovating the wall, attempting to restore its former glory. 9. Despite its age and the fact that it is decades older than most of the other monuments in Nigeria, its exact origin is still unknown. 10. The stone causeway at Batura Bokkos is a fascinating piece of history, a reminder of the powerful civilizations that once lived in this region of West Africa. One of the historical monuments of Nigeria, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Nigeria most popular tourist destination with us. Stone Causeway at Batura, Bokkos, Plateau State In Nigeria: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Nigeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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