Choirokitia Neolithic Settlement In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Choirokitia Neolithic Settlement In Cyprus is an archaeological settlement consisting of a large circular enclosure and several houses in the Maroni Valley, in the Limassol district of Cyprus. It is an important example of a well-preserved Neolithic settlement and dates back to the 6th millennium BC. The site was discovered by Porphyrios Dikaios during his excavations of Khirokitia, an important Neolithic archaeological site located less than two kilometers away. The findings from the site include domestic architecture, funerary remains, pottery, and stone and bone tools. Currently, it is believed that the Neolithic settlement was occupied by semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers. The site has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered to be one of the most important Neolithic settlements in the region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Cyprus
Prominent Features:

1. Located in the Limassol district of Cyprus, the Choirokitia Neolithic Settlement (5000-3500 B.C.) is a unique archaeological cultural site and one of the oldest and most important Neolitic sites on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. 2. Built on the slopes of a hilly, rocky landscape, the settlement consists of large, circular or oval-shaped dwellings that were constructed using a complex system of stone-walls and earth mounds. 3. The dwellings of the settlement have a very significant layout: between the inner and outer walls, there were multiple rooms, arranged in a “labyrinthine fashion.” 4. The archaeological remains reflect the remains of animal husbandry and suggest that Choirokitia was an early market economy, as evidenced by the presence of two large basins that served as a reservoir for storing goods. 5. The settlement also features a variety of stone tools, pottery, stone-lined graves, and elaborate figurines, which indicate the level of development and sophistication that prevailed in Neolithic Cyprus. 6. Additionally, a detailed cemetery found at the settlement suggests a practiced funerary rite for honoring the dead. 7. Choirokitia has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an important reflection of the cultural and technological accomplishments of Neolithic peoples. This national monument of Cyprus portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Choirokitia settlement in Cyprus is one of the oldest human settlements in the world, with a history spanning back over 8500 years. Located 8 km northeast of Larnaca, the settlement was occupied for almost 1000 years, from the seventh millennium until the fifth millennium BCE. It is believed to have been home to some 100–200 people at its peak, living in round-shaped adobe houses which were made from mud, stone and wood. The settlement was first discovered in 1934 by Swedish archaeologist D.F.H. Tomson. Excavations started in the following year and continued until 1971. Findings include a large number of tools and artefacts made from stone, flints and pottery. These artefacts allowed researchers to piece together the history and daily life of the settlement. Discoveries demonstrate that the inhabitants of the settlement engaged in a variety of activities, including agriculture, animal husbandry, craftsmanship and trade. It appears that some of the inhabitants may have been specialising in certain crafts, such as jewellery-making or stone-cutting. Trade was recorded, as evidenced by quality pottery imported from other settlements. The archaeological site of Choirokitia was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998 and is now open to the public. It provides an interesting insight into the lives of the ancient inhabitants of Cyprus and offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. You must visit one of these historical places in Cyprus on your Cyprus tour

Interesting facts:

1. Choirokitia is an ancient Neolithic settlement in the district of Limassol, Cyprus. Considered the oldest known settlement of the island, it dates back to the 8th millennium BC. 2. The settlement, which was occupied between 6000 and 4500 BC, provides us with a glimpse into the life of the earliest inhabitants of Cyprus. 3. The site covers an area of around 0.8 hectares and is divided into squares and rectangles, which suggest it was planned and built by the first settlers. 4. The settlement was discovered in 1934 and since then numerous archaeological excavations have been carried out to uncover its rich history. 5. Over 250 burials have been discovered at the site, as well as evidence of one of the oldest buildings found in the Mediterranean Basin. 6. Archaeologists have also discovered several tools and artifacts, such as funerary masks, flint blades and obsidian mirrors. 7. It is believed that the ancient settlement was first constructed during the late Neolithic period and eventually abandoned by the transition to the Bronze Age. 8. Choirokitia is protected by the Cyprus Department of Antiquities and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit one of the famous monuments of Cyprus with your friends and family.

Explore Cyprus most popular tourist destination with us. Choirokitia Neolithic Settlement In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Cyprus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Khirokitia Cyprus

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