Arakapas Museum In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: The Arakapas Museum is a museum located in Nicosia, in the Republic of Cyprus, which documents the history of the Arakapas people. It is the first museum in Cyprus dedicated to the study and preservation of the Arakapas culture, and it houses many artifacts and objects found on the island. The museum exhibits many archaeological items from the Arakapas villages, including traditional costumes, tools, jewelry, traditional pottery, clothing, and other artifacts. It also houses archives of historic photos and documents pertaining to the region. The museum is divided into two floors: the lower level hosts the permanent collection of artifacts, while the upper floor contains rotating exhibitions of artwork and items related to the Arakapas culture. The museum also offers educational courses and public events, such as discussions and conferences on Arakapas history and culture. The museum also aims to encourage and promote the appreciation and study of Arakapas culture and customs. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Cyprus
Prominent Features:

1. Exhibitions and Collections: The Arakapas Museum in Cyprus showcases collections and exhibitions reflecting the wide range of cultural history and artifacts of the island. These include coins, jewelry, ceramics, and household items from the Late Bronze Age, Classical Antiquities, and Early and Byzantine eras. 2. Historic Building: The museum is housed in an impressive traditional stone building dating back to 1881, making it an interesting attraction in its own right. 3. Nearby Attractions: The Arakapas Museum is located close to other popular attractions in the area such as the ancient site of Soli, the famous Castle of Platres and the forest of Pano. 4. Educational Resources: The museum also offers educational resources to visitors both adults and children. These include guided tours throughout the museum as well as educational activities like seminars, workshops and lectures about the cultural and historical importance of the area. 5. Store and Cafe: For convenience, the museum also has its own store and cafe on the premises, making it a great stopoff for visitors on their way to other tourist attractions in the area. This national monument of Cyprus portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Arakapas Museum in Limassol, Cyprus is the official academic and research centre of the Arakapas people located in the Southern part of the Republic of Cyprus. The museum was established in 1987 to collect, preserve, analyze, classify, and document artifacts and materials associated with the Arakapas people in the region. It was created with the support of Kelefstis Foundation, the former Archbishop of Limassol, Chrysostomos I, the Arakapan Community, the Department of Antiquity of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture and Homerides Publishers. The Museum houses a permanent collection of archaeological artifacts from the Arakapas times and the period subsequent to the Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in the 16th century. Collection highlights include Neolithic pottery, polished Early Bronze Age and Middle Bronze Age stone tools, Bronze Age jewelry, apparel and weapons from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantines periods, coins from the Byzantine, Ottoman and Venetian periods, ceramics from the Ottoman, Venetian and British eras, and writings from the Arakapas book of history. The museum has a busy program of exhibitions, lectures, educational programs and film screenings as well as a library and laboratory for archaeological research. The museum has welcomed dignitaries from around the world, among them former President of Cyprus, His Excellency Mr. Glafcos Clerides, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Prime Minister of Spain, Mr. Jose Maria Aznar. Since it opened its doors in 1987, over 300,000 visitors have been welcomed to the Arakapas Museum to learn about the unique Arakapas culture and heritage. You must visit one of these historical places in Cyprus on your Cyprus tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Arakapas Museum in Cyprus is the oldest private archaeological museum in Cyprus. It is located in Limassol, in the southwestern part of the island. 2. The museum was founded in 1973 by the native Cypriot archaeologist, Professor Nikolaos Arakapas. The collection began with his private collection of archaeological artifacts found in the various excavation sites on the island. 3. The museum houses a variety of collections including artifacts from the Neolithic Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Byzantine Empires rare coins, and a collection of rare Cypriot pottery. 4. Notable artifacts include a clay model of a 4th century B.C.E. Mycenaean chariot from the Kouklia site in Paphos, a variety of figurines, and a bronze lamp dating back to 500 B.C.E. 5. There is a large variety of material on display at the Arakapas Museum, including books, slides, and photographs. The collection is open to the public for free during guided tours and lectures, which are given upon request. 6. Professor Arakapas himself has been known to give lectures at the museum and is a noted speaker at international museums. Visit one of the famous monuments of Cyprus with your friends and family.

Explore Cyprus most popular tourist destination with us. Arakapas Museum In Cyprus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Cyprus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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