Cartagena's Walled City - Cartagena In Colombia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a fortified colonial city on the northern coast of Colombia. Founded in the 16th century, the city's Old Town is defined by centuries-old buildings, narrow cobblestone streets and hip, street-level cafes. Impressive fortifications, including an towering wall built to fend off pirates, surround the city. Nearby beaches include resort-studded Bocagrande and the Islas del Rosario archipelago. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Colombia
Prominent Features:

One of the prominent features of Cartagena in Colombia is its historic Walled City. The Walled City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is considered to be one of the most intact and preserved examples of a Spanish colonial military architecture. The Walled City is a protected area, and is one of the most visited areas in Cartagena. It is home to numerous attractions, such as narrow cobblestone streets, an old fortress, churches, and plazas. There are many colonial-era buildings, all of which have been carefully preserved and kept in their original state. The city has been declared a National Monument of Colombia. This national monument of Colombia portrays the history and culture of the country.


Cartagena's Walled City, also known as Centro Histórico or Ciudad Amurallada, is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the city of Cartagena in Colombia. It was founded in 1533 by the Spanish and includes monuments and structures from the pre-Columbian, colonial, Republican, and modern eras. The walled city served as the main port of the New Granada during Spanish colonial times The city was built with curved walls to allow for easy access and defense against pirate attacks and a two-mile long adaptive wall was built for further defense. In 1566, the city was taken by the English during the Anglo-Spanish War and the walled city walls underwent reconstruction to include eight major gates to enter the city. In 1610, the walls were reinforced and seven more bastions were added. From the 17th century to 1810, fortifications for the city were increased due to English and French threats. During this time, many of the current structures and monuments of the Walled City were created including the City Hall, San Pedro Claver Church, the Clock Tower and the Torre del Reloj. With the founding of the Republic of Colombia in 1810, the walls of the city underwent more reconstruction to repair damage from pirate attacks and earthquakes. The true height of the walls was not made until the late 1800s. In the 1940s and 1950s the Bourbon reforms provided impetus to de-fortify the city. This activity lasted until the 1970s as the walls of the city were no longer needed for defense. In 1984, the Walled City of Cartagena achieved UNESCO World Heritage status. Today, the Walled City is a major attraction for visitors to Cartagena as it captures the city’s colorful history and past. You must visit one of these historical places in Colombia on your Colombia tour

Interesting facts:

1. The Walled City of Cartagena has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984. 2. Construction of the walls began in 1586 and ended in 1622. 3. The wall was built to protect the city from pirates and other attacks. 4. The wall of the city is 13 km long and is formed by 11 bastions. 5. There is a moat that goes around the walls and once contained crocodiles. 6. Inside the walls, there are over 500 historical monuments. 7. The Walled City became home to many African and Zambo slaves in the colonial period. 8. The Walled City was an important trading hub in the Spanish Main due to its superb port. 9. The Walled City is still home to a vibrant culture of music, food and art. 10. The city has been a frequent stop for popes, kings and artists like Bruce Springsteen and Beyonce. Visit one of the famous monuments of Colombia with your friends and family.

Explore Colombia most popular tourist destination with us. Cartagena's Walled City - Cartagena In Colombia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Colombia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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