Salvador Cathedral In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Salvador Cathedral, otherwise known as the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic church located in the city of Salvador, Brazil. It is the seat of the archbisop of the Archdiocese of Bahia and the Primate of Brazil and the present cathedral was built in 1967. It was the first Baroque cathedral in the Americas and the most important church in the city of Salvador. The architecture is a combination of Baroque and Neoclassical. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

1. Neo-Gothic Exterior: The Salvador Cathedral in Brazil has an impressive neo-Gothic exterior featuring two prominent towers. 2. Iconic Roof: The roof of the Salvador Cathedral is one of its most iconic features. It's made up of over 1,500 square meters of terracotta tiles. 3. Bell Tower: The bell tower of the Salvador Cathedral is over 50 meters tall and is the tallest of any church in Brazil. 4. Ornate Facade: The facade of the Salvador Cathedral is decorated with intricate stonework and azulejo tilework. 5. Interior: Inside, the Salvador Cathedral has an altarpiece carved from jacaranda wood as well as an altar of alabaster, murals, and stained glass windows. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


The Salvador Cathedral in Brazil was originally built in the 16th century as a Jesuit church. The church was constructed with four towers and a Baroque facade. The first two towers were added to the facade by 1632. The original design of the facade was attributed to the Jesuit friar Antonio Rodrigues da Mota. In 1752, the two-belled towers were removed and replaced with four larger ones to accommodate a larger bell tower. Finally, in 1770, the main facade was completed and the entire building was christened the Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate Conception. In 1820, the French architect Carlos de Leblanc redesigned the interior of the cathedral. He changed the Baroque ornaments into the neoclassical ones, creating an interior with grand proportions. In 1830, Salvador Cathedral was completely finished and dedicated to Our Lady Immaculate Conception. During this time, it became one of the most respected and celebrated cathedrals in Brazil, and is still today one of the most beautiful examples of colonial Brazil's religious architecture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Salvador Cathedral is the oldest church in Brazil and was built in 1549. 2. The cathedral was built in a great synchronization of Catholic Baroque and Portuguese Rococo architectural styles. 3. The first Mass was celebrated in the Salvador Cathedral by the Catholic Friar Francisco in 1549. 4. The first Bishop of Brazil, Dom Henrique Soares de Azevedo, was enthroned in 1552 at the Salvador Cathedral. 5. The Salvador Cathedral holds several significant religious artifacts and relics such as a fragment of the wood of Christ's cross, possession of St. Francis of Assis, a crucifix of black solid wood, and an image of Our Lady of Solitude. 6. The famous Easter procession takes place in Salvador Cathedral every year. 7. The rose window at the entrance of the building depicts the Immaculate Conception. 8. The bronze doors at the main entrance of the Salvador Cathedral were installed in 1817. 9. The Bell Tower of Salvador Cathedral houses four bells, with the ‘Inocêncio Bell' being the oldest. 10. The crystal chandeliers at the main altar of the cathedral were bought from France. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Salvador Cathedral In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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