Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas, Minas Gerais In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas do Campo is located around 20 kilometres from the city of Congonhas in Minas Gerais, an historical area in Brazil. This monumental complex combines religious art with a baroque style, depicting religious figures and saints. It was built in the 18th century, and the entire process of building it lasted about 20 years. The complex is composed of two main chapels, one devoted to the Stations of the Cross and the other honoring the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The chapels are surrounded by twelve sculptures representing Jesus in different stages of his passion. The sanctuary also includes three portals and a separate chapel devoted to our Lady of the Rosary of Bom Jesus. The sanctuary was the first to be declared a National Monument in Brazil in 1938. It is one of the most visited and respected religious sites in the country, and it attracts millions of devotees from all over Brazil and abroad. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

1. The Congonhas Sanctuary is one of the most visited pilgrimage destinations in Brazil and it is best known for its magnificent Rococo-style sculpture of Christ carrying the cross. 2. The original church was built in the 18th century but the current complex was built in the 19th century and contains the Sanctuary, the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, the Chapel of Our Lady of Apparel and many other small chapels and outdoor sculptures. 3. Inside the sanctuary there is a bell tower and different terraces that provide visitors with amazing views of the town and its surrounding mountains. 4. The Sanctuary is part of the city's Unesco World Heritage Site, which is made up of 18 other sites linked to the iconography which portrays the stages of Christ's Passion. 5. Around the complex there are several cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops, making it the perfect place to spend the day exploring and shopping. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas was built to honor Jesus of the Nativity of Bom Jesus Congonhas, a representation of Christ made out of soapstone by sculptor Aleijadinho in the late 18th century. The sanctuary is situated in modern-day Minas Gerais, Brazil and is considered to be one of the most important churches in Brazil. The Sanctuary stands on a hillside and overlooks the town below, making it a very attractive tourist site. The Sanctuary was built in 1772 and was blessed on July 28th, 1785, with a series of sculptures depicting the Passion of Christ spread across its front steps. These sculptures, which are still extant today, were made from soapstone by Aleijadinho with help from his family. One of these sculptures, the Christ of the Holy Steps, is a particularly notable sculpture, as it is the only one of its kind in the world. In 1790, the Congonhas Church was declared a National Monument. In the 19th century, the Congonhas Church quickly gained notoriety amongst the people of Minas Gerais. The local people began to believe the church held healing powers and the sick and elderly would often flock to the sanctuary to pray for divine healing. In 1894, the sanctuary of Congonhas was given national importance and declared a Historic and Artistic Monument. Today, the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas has become one of the most famous churches in Brazil, and is a popular tourist destination. The church is an important symbol to the people of Minas Gerais, and it is widely respected and kept in good condition. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas is a Baroque-style sanctuary located in the city of the same name in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. 2. Built to honor St. Francis Xavier, it was originally a humble chapel built in 1585 and has been transformed into a major pilgrimage site for Brazilians over the years. 3. The sanctuary features an iconic set of carved stone figures known as the Congonhas Statues that depict the twelve apostles. 4. The statues were created in the late 1700s by Aleijadinho, a famous Brazilian sculptor. 5. The sanctuary is part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List and is a popular destination for both tourists and pilgrims alike. 6. Every year, around the Feast of St. Francis Xavier (December 3), hundreds of thousands of people visit the sanctuary to take part in the celebrations. 7. The sanctuary underwent a major restoration in the early 2000s and is now a stunning example of Baroque architecture. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas, Minas Gerais In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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