Ralung Monastery In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Ralung Monastery is one of the oldest and most important monasteries of the Drukpa Lineage in Tibet and Bhutan. It is located in the Ralung Valley, in the Thimphu district of Bhutan. The monastery was built in 1220 by Tsangpa Gyare, the founder of the Drukpa Lineage. It is home to the famous Bhutanese lama and terton (treasure revealer), Pema Lingpa, who was the great-grandson of Tsangpa Gyare. The main shrine hall in the monastery holds a statue of Tsangpa Gyare and several statues of the four contemporary lamas. The monastery is also home to many other relics including thangka paintings, books and manuscripts. There are also an annual festival held here, which is celebrated for three days and features traditional Bhutanese Tibetan arts such as mask dances. The monastery has a rich history and is a popular destination for pilgrims from Bhutan, Tibet and other countries. The monastery also serves as a center for teaching and study, with several modern schools and a college to facilitate learning of the Drukpa Lineage. Ralung Monastery is also the original seat of the Drukpa Lineage and the home of the Gyalwang Drukpa, the spiritual head of the Drukpa Lineage. Since its founding in 1220, the Gyalwang Drukpa has been the main abbot of the monastery and has lived in the monastery since his enthronement. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Ralung Monastery is situated in the Thimphu district of Bhutan and is the ancestral home of the Drukpa Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism. 2. The monastery is one of the most important religious sites in the country and is home to the sacred relics of Drukpa Kunley, popularly known as the ‘Divine Madman’. 3. The monastery also serves as the headquarters of the Drukpa Kagyu school of Buddhism. 4. It houses several shrines and temples dedicated to various aspects of Buddhism, including the Sakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha, Padmasambhava and Dzongchung Lhakhang. 5. The main assembly hall is known as Rangjung Lhakhang, which is the largest building in Bhutan. 6. The monastery is also home to the Ralung thangka, a rare and ancient painting of Guru Rinpoche, which is said to have been brought from Tibet by Gyalse Lama Zhigme Lingpa during the 18th century. 7. The Ralung Monastery also serves as the venue for grand festivals such as the famous Thimphu Tsechu Festival and the Ralung Festival. 8. The monastery also houses a collection of shrines and statues of various Buddhist deities and a library filled with religious scriptures. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Ralung Monastery, situated in Bhutan, was founded by the great and famous Drukpa Kagyu master, Gyalwa Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje in 1180 AD. It is one of the most important and influential Drukpa Kagyu monasteries of Bhutan, as it is the mother monastery to the Drukpa Lineage from which numerous important Drukpa Kagyu monasteries were formed. The prominent and historical monasteries such as the Paro Taktsang, Kila Gompa, Dhokham Chorten Monastery, Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, and several others were branches from the Ralung Monastery. Ralung Monastery is said to be the home of the original line of Drukpa masters, and the line of incarnation of the Gyalwang Drukpa from the main throne holder of Ralung Monastery has defined and upheld the whole Drukpa Lineage. Ralung Monastery is also said to have played a very important role in the spread of Tibetan Buddhism to India, Nepal, the Himalayan regions and other countries. The monastery was a major center of the Drukpa Kagyu teachings and philosophical doctrines that were being spread during its withstanding periods. In modern days, the monastery is the residence of the 19th Throne Holder of Drukpa Lineage, His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa, who is known as the Living Buddha of Bhutan. He is hailed as the protector of Bhutan and carries a lot of responsibilities to revive and continue the ancient spiritual teachings and traditions. The monastery hosts many major events throughout the year, such as the annual Ralung Monastic festivals and the popular Ralung Thangka festival. Many locals and tourists come to attend these festivals and pay attention to his talks and teachings. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Ralung Monastery is situated in Bhutan, and is considered amongst the most sacred sites in the nation. 2. Constructed in the 12th century by Gyalwang Drukpa Kuenley, also known as "The Divine Madman," the "crazy wisdom" yogi with multiple wives. 3. The monastery is of utmost importance to the Drukpa Kagyu sect of Buddhism, and is the blessed site where Tsangpa Gyare, the founder of the school, is said to have attained realization. 4. During the invasion of Bhutan by the Tibetans, Ralung was destroyed and was only restored in the 17th century. 5. Ralung Monastery plays an important role in providing religious education to the people of Bhutan. 6. The monastery is also known for its collection of ancient frescos and sacred Buddhist artifacts. 7. The annual festival of Sablom Tshenchok is celebrated at the monastery every Feb and Mar. 8. The annual Bhutanese festival of Unchok Thang is also observed at Ralung Monastery on an important day in the Bhutanese calendar. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

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