Nalanda Buddhist College In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Nalanda Buddhist College is a college in Bhutan dedicated to the study of Buddhism. It offers undergraduate education in Bhutanese and Tibetan studies, as well as a Buddhist studies program. The college is affiliated with the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Varanasi, India. It is under the patronage of His Majesty, the King of Bhutan, and the Ministry of Education, Government of Bhutan. The college was established in 1984 in response to the need for higher education in Buddhist studies in Bhutan. Nalanda offers courses in a variety of Buddhist disciplines, from philosophy and meditation to the study of Tibetan language. The college is committed to the preservation and promotion of Buddhist culture in Bhutan and the wider region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

: 1. Located in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, Nalanda Buddhist College is the nation's first international college for Buddhist studies. 2. It offers graduate and postgraduate courses in Buddhist philosophy, meditation, and psychology. 3. The college works in collaboration with eight universities from India, Japan, and Thailand for student and faculty exchange programs. 4. Nalanda Buddhist College provides fully sponsored opportunities for international Buddhist scholars to study in Bhutan. 5. This college follows the traditional Nalanda style of education, which focuses on individual and collective reflection of the true nature of life. 6. It emphasizes Dharmic principles of compassion, right understanding, and non-violence in the education system. 7. The college library has a collection of books and resources on Theravada, Mahayana, and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. 8. Nalanda Buddhist College has an extension center in India for collaborative research and short term courses in Buddhist philosophy and psychology. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Nalanda Buddhist College was established in 1987 in the capital city of Thimphu, Bhutan, as an institute of higher Buddhist studies. The College was opened under the patronage of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the deputy King, His Royal Highness Ashi Kesang. The College began with just six students and three teachers, but quickly became known as the leading centre of Buddhist learning in the country. In 2000, the College moved to its own campus, Situated at Changangkha, Nalanda is the first and only Buddhist university dedicated to the preservation and deepening of Buddhist learning. It provides courses and practicum in various Buddhist studies such as Buddhism, meditation, philosophy, language, literature, history, and culture. The college is also renowned for its library, which houses the largest collection of Buddhist texts in Bhutan. The main focuses of Nalanda Buddhist College are to bring Buddhism as a way of life and to help the remote villages of Bhutan become economically self-sufficient through education and livelihood opportunities. In partnership with local government, in 2013 the College started a pilot project to provide training and livelihood opportunities to villagers. The college also holds monthly lectures and discourses, workshops on meditation, and other events for students. Nalanda Buddhist College has also made immense contribution to the advancement of education and scholars and teachers from various parts of the world come to the college to study and teach important topics. In 2013, His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Nalanda and gave his blessings to the college and the people of Bhutan. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. It is the first Buddhist college in Bhutan and the only of its kind in the world. 2. The college was founded in 2001 and the main goal of the college is to produce qualified Buddhist teachers for the country. 3. Nalanda has the distinction of being the only institution in Bhutan where the Buddhist teachings are taught in the original Pali language. 4. Nalanda College is located in the town of Paro in Bhutan. 5. The college offers courses in fields such as scripture, philosophy, meditation and language. 6. The college has over 400 students enrolled in its various programs. 7. The college also houses a large library with books in both English and Pali. 8. Nalanda Buddhist College has produced several qualified Buddhist teachers for Bhutan and the rest of the world. 9. The college has established several branches around Bhutan. 10. The college has been invited by other countries to set up branches in their countries. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

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