Codrington Lagoon In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Codrington Lagoon is a shallow, sheltered bay in the nation of Antigua-and-Barbuda, located around two miles from the town of Codrington on the island of Barbuda. The lagoon occupies the majority of the island, and is a haven for a wide array of wildlife. The area is particularly known for its rich bird populations, featuring several species that can only be seen in the Caribbean. The lagoon is also home to a variety of hard and soft coral species, as well as an array of colorful reef fish. As an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the lagoon is popular amongst visitors and locals alike for swimming, snorkeling, and sailing. The lagoon also has a mangrove area that serves as a valuable habitat for local species. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda
Prominent Features:

Codrington Lagoon in Antigua-and-Barbuda is a secluded, tranquil oasis of crystal blue-green waters surrounded by lush greenery. This spectacular lagoon is home to local West Indian manatees, native birds, turtles, and a variety of other wildlife. The word ‘Codrington’ comes from Christopher, the first Baron Codrington who was a British soldier in the 1700s. The lagoon was given to him as a reward for his loyalty to the British Crown. Visitors to this beautiful lagoon can enjoy swimming, kayaking, paddle-boarding, or simply relaxing in peaceful surroundings. The lagoon can also be used as a launch point for boat trips to surroundings islands and islets. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Antigua-and-Barbuda.


Codrington Lagoon is a turquoise-colored lagoon in the Caribbean country of Antigua-and-Barbuda. Located on the island of Barbuda, the lagoon is home to some of the best snorkeling and diving in the Caribbean. The lagoon was once home to the indigenous Bushy family, who were the first to inhabit Barbuda after the Arawaks. The lagoon is named after Christopher and Frances Codrington, who founded a plantation in the vicinity in the 18th century. The Codrington family were successful plantation owners in Barbuda and the surrounding islands, and their presence permanently changed the environment of the area. The plantation grew cotton, tobacco, and other crops, and also incorporated large slave-run sugar plantations. After the Codringtons left Barbuda in 1825, the land was split among their three children and remained largely unpopulated until the late 20th century. The area around the lagoon was heavily developed from the 1980s onward, with construction of resorts and other tourists’ amenities. During the late 20th century, the Codrington Lagoon became a popular destination for eco-tourism and adventure sports. The lagoon is home to a wide variety of bird and marine life, and there is also significant archaeological evidence relating to the former indigenous inhabitants of the area. The lagoon has also been conserved and protected by local environmental organizations, with a focus on preserving the natural beauty of the area for generations to come. Visit one of the famous monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Codrington Lagoon is located in the Caribbean nation of Antigua-and-Barbuda. 2. The lagoon is named after its discoverer who found it in 1712, Colonel Christopher Codrington. 3. The lagoon is the largest in the area and covers approximately 18 square miles. 4. The Codrington Lagoon is full of a vast variety of wildlife and fish making it a popular fishing and birdwatching destination. 5. The lagoon is a major nesting ground for sea turtles and is part of a protected area established in 1992 to protect their nesting grounds. 6. The surrounding terrain is also important for a variety of species including flamingos, brown pelicans, and various heron species. 7. The lagoon is also home to Tarpon, Snapper, Spiny Lobster and more. 8. A number of marine mammals, including several endangered species, inhabit the waters of the lagoon including manatees, dolphins, and whales. 9. The Codrington Lagoon is also an important source of economic activity as it supplies fresh seafood to the local economy. 10. The lagoon is also a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a chance to observe the local wildlife, catch a fish or two, and kayak or canoe in the calm, crystal clear waters. One of the historical monuments of Antigua-and-Barbuda, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Antigua-and-Barbuda most popular tourist destination with us. Codrington Lagoon In Antigua-and-Barbuda: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Antigua-and-Barbuda main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Codrington Antigua-and-Barbuda

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