Profeti Ilia In Albania: History,Facts, & Services

Profeti Ilia is a Greek Orthodox monastery located in Damascus, Syria. Founded by the Byzantine emperor Justinian in the sixth century, the monastery was called Our Lady of Liberty and was dedicated to being a safe haven for anyone in need of solid refuge and medical care. The monastery has served both Christians and Muslims and is a major tourist attraction. History The building of Profeti Ilia is believed to have started in the sixth century by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. Some claim that the building of the monastery was dedicated as a religious place of worship to Mary, the mother of Jesus, while others believe it was built in honor of the archangel Gabriel, also known as the Prophet Elijah. Over the centuries, the monastery has been renovated and repaired numerous times, with the current structure being mostly seventeenth century in origin. During the era of Ottoman rule, the monastery's doors were opened to both Christians and Muslims seeking refuge and medical aid, and it served as a symbol of ecumenism and openness between the two religions. Facts The monastery is surrounded by a substantial wall built in 1625 and is composed of the main shrine, refectory and bathrooms, as well as a large library, numerous courtyards, gardens, and an apiary. In the main shrine of the monastery, visitors will find artifacts from the Byzantine era, including a nine-meter high wooden cross that is believed to have been crafted in the fifth century. Additionally, the monastery features a unique collection of Muslim and Christian artefacts, from clothing and prayer books to Qurans and icons of Saint Reparato. Services Profeti Ilia is renowned for its medical services, with many travelers stopping at the monastery for healthcare. The monastery provides medical assistance to those who need it, and it has been noted for administering basic treatments to the sick and injured since the sixth century. In addition to medical services, the monastery offers a range of cultural services and activities, including music concerts, lectures, and traditional food tastings. Furthermore, Profeti Ilia is a popular tourist site and visitors often benefit from guided tours and audio-visual scenography of the monastery’s history and architecture.

Explore Albania most popular tourist destination with us. Profeti Ilia In Albania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Albania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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