Tillya Tepe In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Tillya Tepe ("Golden Hill") is an ancient archaeological site located in the northern balkh province of Afghanistan. Originally thought to have been an Afghan burial site, Tillya Tepe is now known to have been a regional trading center from the 1st century BCE – 1st century CE. Numerous artifacts, including texts, coins, and sculptures, were discovered in the tombs at Tillya Tepe. These artifacts provide a glimpse into the lifestyle of the people who lived and traded there centuries ago. Many of the finds are now on display in a museum in Kabul. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

• The Tillya Tepe Necropolis: The Tillya Tepe necropolis in Northern Afghanistan, known as the “Bactrian Hoard,” contains some 20,000 gold objects from six separate tombs. • The Greco-Bactrian Artifacts: The burial mounds of Tillya Tepe yielded many Greco-Bactrian artifacts, including gold ornaments, coins with Greek inscriptions and figures of Greek gods, all dating from the first century AD. • Scythian Influences: The artifacts found at Tillya Tepe reveal strong Scythian influence in the region, likely due to the presence of large nomadic tribes in and around Afghanistan. • Hybrid Style: The artifacts found at Tillya Tepe demonstrate a hybrid style, combining elements from both Greek and Central Asian art. • Historical Significance: The artifacts of Tillya Tepe are a reminder of the region’s multicultural past and its links to the broader classical world. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


Tillya Tepe is a set of Buddhist gold artifacts discovered in Afghanistan in 1978. It is often referred to as the "Bactrian Hoard" since it was discovered near the city of Sheberghan, in what was once the Greco-Bactrian kingdom. The collection includes a number of crowns, necklaces, and other gold and silver objects, some of which are believed to date back to the 1st century AD. The artifacts are now on display in the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul. The Tillya Tepe site was first discovered in December of 1978, by a team of Afghani-Soviet archaeologists. The team was led by Viktor Sarianidi, and included Afghan archaeologists such as Tariq Madadzada and Zarawar Sherwani. Upon uncovering the site, the team found a large mound covering what appeared to be a grave. The excavation revealed six burial kurgans, or mounds of dirt, each containing a skeleton. Four of the burials were male and two were female, estimated to have been between the ages of 35 and 45. Along with the skeletons, the excavation revealed a cache of priceless artifacts including coins, gold jewelry, weapons, and clothing. The majority of the objects were found within the female burials, leading researchers to believe that the artifacts were buried with the women in order to provide them with jewelry and belongings in the afterlife. Scientists also believe the artifacts to be related to the reign of the Greco-Bactrian kings from around the 1st century AD. Since its discovery Tillya Tepe has become famous among archaeologists and historians. It is seen as a key archaeological find of the 20th century and represents an important chapter in Afghan history. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Tillya Tepe is a site located in northern Afghanistan, which is known for its incredible ancient treasures. 2. It was discovered in 1978 by Russian archaeologists and the tomb contained the ancient Bactrian hoards. 3. The site contains burials from a variety of cultural sites in the 1st century AD, from Bactrian, Kushan, Parthian and Sasanian origins. 4. Some of the most famous gold treasures from Tillya Tepe include a gold bust of a woman, a gold crown with protomes (creatures resembling a cross between a lion and a ram), a forearm with gold bands and gold coins. 5. The artifacts found in Tillya Tepe are on display at the National Museum of Kabul and the Museum of National History in St. Petersburg, Russia. 6. The artifacts from Tillya Tepe are important because they provide insight into the Greco-Bactrian civilization, which was ruled by Greek kings in northern Afghanistan and Pakistan from 250 BC to AD 125. 7. Tillya Tepe has been referred to as the “Pompeii of the East” due to the incredible amount of artifacts and treasures that have been unearthed from the site. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Tillya Tepe In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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