How do the Swiss celebrate Valentine's Day and weddings?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Valentine's Day and weddings are special occasions for everyone, and the Swiss are no exception. From romantic dinners out on the town to foral weddings, the Swiss certainly know how to celebrate when it comes to special occasions. So, how do they do it? Read on to find out how the Swiss celebrate Valentine's Day and weddings.

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Valentine's Day Celebrations in Switzerland

1. Romantic Events: On Valentine's Day, Swiss cities organize various romantic events like concerts, special dinners, and dances where couples can spend quality time together.

2. Romantic Getaways: Many couples take the opportunity to plan romantic getaways to scenic destinations in Switzerland. They may visit romantic cities like Lucerne or enjoy a cozy retreat in the Swiss Alps.

3. Exchanging Gifts: The Swiss also exchange gifts on Valentine's Day. Common gift choices include flowers, chocolates, personalized items, and romantic cards.

Wedding Celebrations in Switzerland

1. Civil Wedding Ceremony: Swiss weddings often begin with a civil wedding ceremony conducted at a local registry office. This legal ceremony is the official recognition of the marriage.

2. Religious Ceremonies: For couples who practice a particular religion, a religious ceremony may follow the civil ceremony. This can take place in a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue, depending on the couple's beliefs.

3. Wedding Banquet: After the ceremonies, a festive reception is held, usually at a banquet hall or a specially chosen venue. Friends and family gather to celebrate the newlyweds with food, drinks, music, and dance.

4. Traditions and Customs: Switzerland has various regional wedding customs. For example, in some regions, friends and family participate in a "money dance" where they pin money on the couple's attire to support their new journey together.

5. Wedding Cake: A highlight of Swiss weddings is the wedding cake, often a multi-tiered creation decorated elaborately with icing, flowers, and sometimes even fireworks.

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