Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén): Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Are you ready to explore the haunted Castle of Alcalá la Real? It's a time-cursed castle that was constructed in the 13th century, shrouded with a dark history of horror stories, paranormal activity and gripping tales of tragedy! In this blog, we will explore the beautiful Castle of Alcalá la Real and uncover its eerie secrets.

Horror Story of Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén)
There once was a grand castle of Alcalá la Real, perched atop a hill overlooking the town. With its grand walls, towers and ancient gate, it looked down majestically over the people below, and it was said to house secrets few had ever dared to uncover.
It was during one hot summer’s evening, when the setting sun had cast an orange hue over the cobbled streets, that an old man stumbled into town. He was clad in rags and had a terrified look in his eyes, but when people asked him what had happened, he refused to answer. Instead, he told them of a place that even he feared.
The man described that he had found himself on the gates of a castle, one he had never seen before despite living nearby all his life. He was curious and decided to explore, and soon he had seen its grandeur and secret chambers no one had ever seen before. But with curiosity came fear, as he soon heard cries and pleads coming from deep within the bowels of the castle. Terrified, he started to make his way back out, but just as he was getting close to the gates, he heard an ugly laugh echo from within the castle walls – and he knew it was time to leave, and never to return.
Legend has it, that the Castle of Alcalá la Real was built by an old and powerful wizard who has cursed the castle to be haunted by the evil spirits of those he wronged. To this day, the castle stands as a dark reminder of that fateful night, and to those brave enough to venture within, many tales exist… stories of screaming monsters and lost souls who wander the corridors forever, waiting for someone foolish enough to disturb them.
History & Information of Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén)
The Castle of Alcalá la Real is a fortress located in the municipality of Alcalá la Real, in the province of Jaén, Spain. Built in 1255 by orders of the king Alfonso X of Castile, it was intended to protect the borders of Granada, as well as to monitor the passage of Muslim troops coming from Andalusia.
The castle was built using materials from the nearby town of Alcalá la Real, and it has been preserved in its original state since its creation. Today, it is considered a symbol of the history of Alcalá la Real and is one of the most important tourist attractions in the region.
The castle is of a typical medieval structure, with a moat surrounding the walls, a keep and the chapel of St. Johns, which contains a valuable altarpiece from the late 14th century. The keep is a large, square-shaped structure, with a large dome at its center. Inside the castle, visitors can explore the remains of several towers, as well as the dungeons, which were used for centuries to imprison criminals.
The fortress was also the site of many famous battles, including the Battle of Alcalá (1301) and the Battle of Alcalá (aka The Crossfire of the Neutrals, 1568).
Today, the castle is a popular tourist destination, with hundreds of visitors every year. The fortress offers educational programs and guided tours, as well as a restaurant and café. The castle is open from Tuesday to Sunday, and entry is free of charge for all visitors.In case you are wondering whether there are any haunted places near me, there might be if you observe deeply.
Paranomial Activity of Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén)
>The Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén) is a castle located in the town of Alcalá la Real, province of Jaén, Andalusia, in Spain. It is the work of Ferdinand III of Castile, who also ordered the walls to be built. The castle has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest since 1931 and is currently in the care of the Castillo de Alcalá la Real Foundation.
1. Guided Tours: Guided tours are organized through the castle, with a tour guide providing visitors with information about the history of the castle, its architecture and its art.
2. Cultural Events: The castle also hosts regular cultural events, such as plays, exhibitions, concerts, and more.
3. Outdoor classes: External visits are also organized, with schools and families enjoying outdoor classes and activities related to the castle's history and culture.
4. Gastronomic Fairs: The castle also hosts gastronomic fairs, highlighting the traditional regional cuisine of Jaén and promoting local products.
5. Movies in the Castle: Movies in the Castle is a special event in which a movie is projected in the castle's courtyard and the audience is invited to enjoy it while eating tapas and drinking wine.
6. Medieval Nights: Special medieval-themed nights are also organized, with guests invited to dress as medieval knights and ladies and take part in different activities such as archery, swordfighting, falconry, and more.
7. Night Guided Tours: Finally, night-time guided tours take place several times a year, allowing visitors to experience the atmosphere of the castle after dark.This abundant place has earned its reputation as the most haunted place in the world.
Experience of people & Reviews of Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén)
The Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén) is a beautifully preserved ancient castle with an impressive history. The castle dates back to the 15th century and was once a residence of the Spanish royalty. The castle has been restored and is a beautiful and popular tourist destination. People who have visited the castle all remark on the beauty and majesty of the castle and the views that it offers from the top of the hill. The castle is well-maintained and provides an educational experience, as it houses an exhibit of old weapons, armor and artifacts from the era when the castle was in its heyday. Visitors are able to take guided tours and admire the architecture and the views of the surrounding countryside. People have expressed that the Castle of Alcalá la Real is well worth the visit and highly recommend it to those looking for an authentic medieval experience.
FAQ'S of Castle of Alcalá la Real (Jaén)
Q. What is the Castle of Alcalá la Real?
A. The Castle of Alcalá la Real was built in the 12th century and is one of the largest and most impressive fortifications in southern Spain. It is located in the province of Jaén in Andalusia.
Q. How is the Castle of Alcalá la Real structured?
A. The castle is comprised of 27 towers, eight gates, and several pavilions and courtyards. It is surrounded by a moat and a draw bridge.
Q. Who built the castle?
A. The castle was built by the Almohad dynasty, but was later renovated by the Arabs and the Christians.
Q. What is the purpose of the castle?
A. The Castle of Alcalá la Real was originally built as a defensive structure and later served as an important administrative center for the Almohad and the Reconquista.
Q. Can visitors explore the castle?
A. Yes, visitors can explore the castle and its grounds daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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