Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Long before horror films found viewers world wide, anyone who wished to witness a spine-tingling, fascination terrifying scene could find it at the "Museum of the Mummies" in Guanajuato City. The collection of 107 mummies and their mysterious, grisly stories makes this museum a must-see for history, horror, and paranormal fans alike.

Horror Story of Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City
The legend of the deadwalking began many years ago in the small Mexican city of Guanajuato. For generations, the town had been home to the Shrine of San Ignacio, an old Catholic chapel dedicated to the patron Saint of the dead. Every year, the shrine was filled with pilgrims, all of whom had come to honor the memories of those who had perished at the hands of misfortune, disease, and death.
Among the many traditions of the city’s inhabitants was the practice of burying their dead in the cemetery of the chapel, and ensuring that their bodies were well protected from the elements. As years passed, some of the corpses were not always fortunate enough to receive such care, and it wasn’t long before locals began to pay notice.
Seeing the alarming state of the corpses, a local undertaker by the name of Elagio García decided to collect some of the mummified remains of the deceased, and store them in his own premises – now known as the Museo de las Momias, or “Museum of the Mummies”.
To this day, the mummies are still on display, and although they are no longer as preserved as before, visitors can still see the effects that the long years spent entombed in the dry air have taken on the bodies.
Some say that the cursed bodies are now able to walk freely around the very museums which display them, and that anyone who has the misfortune of visiting after dark will come face-to-face with the undead. Whether these stories are just rumors or not, it is clear that the mummies of Guanajuato are something that should not be taken lightly.
History & Information of Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City
The Museo de las Momias, or the Museum of the Mummies, is located in Guanajuato City, Mexico. It is considered an important part of Mexico's cultural heritage. The museum is home to more than 100 mummies, some of which date back to the 16th century. The mummies are the result of the unique burial practices of Guanajuato during the 19th century. At this time, due to a lack of suitable burial space in the crypts of the local cemetery, bodies were exhumed for reinterment after a period of 3-7 years. Any corpses remaining in the crypts were then mummified due to the extremely arid environment.
The museum was officially opened in 1969 and has become an iconic tourist destination in Guanajuato City. Visitors are able to view over 100 mummies, which include adults, children and unborn fetuses. The museum also includes information on the history of mummification in Guanajuato, and explores the biological and cultural aspects of these mummies. It is one of the only places in the world where visitors can view mummified human remains.
The museum has become a focal point for historians and anthropologists as it provides a unique insight into the death practices of Guanajuato. The museum is an important part of the local heritage and culture of the area and it is estimated that over 50,000 tourists visit the museum each year. The mummies, although unsettling to some visitors, have become a highlight of the region and a major draw card for tourists.
Paranomial Activity of Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City
The Museo de las Momias, or Museum of the Mummies, is located in Guanajuato City, Mexico. This paranomial attraction offers one of the most unique and morbid experiences available. The museum displays hundreds of mummies that were once buried in local graveyards. Some of the mummies are believed to date back to as early as the 19th century. The mummies are housed in glass-encased boxes and require no admission fee to view. Along with the mummies, visitors can also explore a variety of related artifacts, including medical instruments and textbooks on embalming from the time period. Visitors may even have the opportunity to purchase souvenirs such as postcards or t-shirts featuring mummified remains. For those seeking a truly morbid experience, a tour of the museum may be the perfect way to spend an afternoon.If you are searching for horror places in the world then you have arrived at the right time.
Experience of people & Reviews of Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City
People visiting Museo de las Momias highly recommend this place. One visitor said, "I had heard a lot about this place so I was expecting a lot and I was not disappointed. The place is absolutely fascinating. Very well laid out, informative and interesting. It is not for the faint hearted but if you have an interest in history, anthropology, mummy lore or just like to be creeped out then I highly recommend it." Other reviews praise the educational experience of the museum, as well as the well-maintained mummies. Visiting the museum is also a great way to get a closer look at the impact of the 1910 Revolution on Guanajuato City.This abundant place is the right contender in the list of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
FAQ'S of Museo de las Momias, Guanajuato City
Q:What is the Museo de las Momias?
A:The Museo de las Momias, or Museum of the Mummies, is a museum in Guanajuato City, Mexico. It contains an exhibition of naturally mummified bodies which were found in a nearby cemetery.
Q:Who discovered the mummies found in the museum?
A:In 1865, the local government of Guanajuato City began exhuming bodies from a cemetery, known as the "Encino Cemetery", due to the unavailability of grave sites. This cemetery, located just a few blocks away from the Museo de las Momias, contained bodies that were naturally mummified as a result of the soil and climate conditions in the area.
Q:When is the Museo de las Momias open?
A:The museum is open Monday through Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm.
Q:How much does it cost to visit the museum?
A:The museum ticket costs 50 Mexican pesos for adults and 25 Mexican pesos for children.
Q: Are there any special events at the Museo de las Momias?
A:The museum organizes special events throughout the year including a Day of the Dead festival and a Halloween celebration. There are also guided tours and interactive exhibits.

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